Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [be] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I bought this house and insisted she move in with me she took the path of least resistance and agreed , although even then if I 'd had the wits to see them all the signs were there that although she relished my role as provider she cared very little for me as a person . ’
2 And while to a certain extent the chairman was right that the aesthetic of art was being eroded , nonetheless a whole infrastructure of artists and those who dealt with them was being maintained and subsidized , thus providing creative freedom .
3 The difficulty is simply that as a co-heir Seia is owner of an undivided share of the whole estate , and the question is on what basis she can recover from her coheir the quarter of the gardens which she does not own qua heir .
4 The hope is simply that God in his mercy will deal with the cancer of hate , suspicion , fear and selfishness in the guts of men , black and white ; and that He will lead us , as we obey Him , out of the political , economic deadlocks into sanity .
5 The difference between need and dare and the modals is simply that the latter are by the very nature of their lexical meaning incapable of evoking a reality , while the former can evoke potentialities only in non-assertive use .
6 Where the old , where the college is now that art college ?
7 The dilemma is then that everything the teacher does to make the pupil produce the behaviour the teacher expects , tends to deprive the pupil of the conditions necessary for producing the behaviour as a byproduct of learning ; the behaviour sought and the behaviour produced become the focus of attention .
8 The result is then that delivered prices to any buyer are always uniform across sellers , and there is no price competition .
9 The recommendation is simply that it be noted and I wondered if anybody wanted to make a contribution , or ask any questions , put anything forward , on Appendix A. Councillor
10 The second reason for the constancy is simply that the ocean is heated from above , by the Sun .
11 The fear is always that the outside will be presented with the chance to gain knowledge and power at the expense of the institution ; although this is often only obliquely implied :
12 The rule is simply that one uses as many digits as are in the final number ( three digits if in hundreds , four if in thousands , and so on ) and then uses the random numbers in appropriate sets .
13 The reason why the Nazis persecuted the Jews was so that people would forget their own problems ; perhaps the reason you do this is so that you can blame someone else for your failings ?
14 The wonder is perhaps that he has time to do any writing and research at all after running two companies — Pluto Press ( Australia ) and PR agency Social Change Media — and with partner Stephanie Dowrick , also a writer , bringing up two children .
15 But knowing the DEA , the attitude was probably that the fucking military was being fucking paranoid as usual and to hell with them .
16 Whatever it is , now the moment 's here that she came for , that she half foresaw , she wo n't tell .
17 It is pretty clear that while big business is being done in local area network hubs and routers , the market is very overcrowded , and in those circumstances , the outcome is usually that the rich get richer and the poor get taken over or go bust : observers reckon that in that context , the richest of the rich is Cisco Systems Inc , Menlo Park , which did $340m in the year to last July and is estimated to have at least 45% of the market and maybe as much as 50% ; Wellfleet Communications Inc is thought to be number two , with anything from 12% to 20% , with 3Com Corp third at around 10% , but in the hub sector alone , SynOptics Communications Inc is thought to have about 33% and Cabletron Systems Inc 15% , although the latter says the two are neck and neck .
18 Liverpool 's main Euro trait down the years was always that the Reds did n't lose many goals in these type of games .
19 I am aware that there was a steady decrease in the casualty figures and this was welcome to the Harris Offensive and also to the Mighty Eighth , but it always appeared to be that the Luftwaffe were just that one step ahead until , of course , the advent of D-Day and the advance of the Allies on the Continent .
20 The conclusion is either that the political and social message concerning older workers was not reaching employers , whose strategies were determined by other priorities , or that they put the immediate interests of the firm , as they defined them , before the longer-term interest of the national economy as the government was defining it .
21 The conclusion is surely that they do not place great store by our profession or its body .
22 The point is here that he has mentioned in his press release a number of okay local people , and by doing this in this particular way he has greatly increased the possibility and probability of ending up with a piece in the local newspaper .
23 The point is also that the raising of children is work .
24 The point is just that some basic concepts relating to the experience curve may still be valuable if used with intelligence and discretion .
25 The point is rather that we now have a strong data base from which to operate , and that the technical means are now available which would reveal precisely what our signals do mean ; perhaps to show that there are monsters , perhaps to find , at least beyond reasonable doubt , that their existence is too unlikely to warrant further study .
26 The point is rather that the so-called independent check is a mere repetition of the procedure which it is supposed to be checking .
27 The point is however that Olympia was not a classic nude or even a high-class courtisane , but as Clark notes , a ‘ fille publique ’ , ‘ a faubourienne ’ .
28 The point is surely that the properties of being good and being yellow are not complex properties as being a horse is , which is ( we may take him to be supposing ) a matter of having a whole lot of simpler properties , such as having a certain sort of head , a certain sort of tail , and so forth .
29 The point is simply that the account of mental processes which folk psychology provides , constitutes an explanation at an appropriate level of abstraction for the purposes of explaining behaviour scientifically .
30 The point is simply that the potential benefits from regulation can be very large .
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