Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adv] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 For decades during the twentieth century it was heresy to give any credit to the ideas of Alfred Wegener ( 1880–1930 ) , and others before him , that the continents slowly moved in different directions over the surface of the globe .
2 The weakness still lived in his body but his urge to draw was reviving , he could feel it .
3 The remainder either remained in Australia for vital war work or joined the labour units of the Australian army .
4 The trial is in its early stages , yet the crowds still file in every morning to the public gallery .
5 The flowers still bloomed as brightly in early September as they had in July , the crowds still sat in the open-air cafés .
6 The provision sometimes inserted in a settlement for giving remuneration to a professional man who is one of the trustees is open to considerable objection since it may give him an interest in incurring expense , and will , in any case , tend to make the other trustees leave the management mainly in his hands .
7 This rich Lord of the Manor now stood in the middle of the hall revelling in his ostentatious show of wealth whilst servants placed high-backed chairs in front of the fire .
8 Bollards are prone to sudden collapse , and the ropes often jam in the groove behind the capstan during retrieval .
9 It covered details of the production process from spinning through to fitting techniques , including manufacturing methods , design , testing and quality control , giving a wider perspective to the expertise already gained in their current job role .
10 And the struggle never ends in a single life , let alone in the life of a society .
11 The interest which the remains of the Anglo-Saxon past arouse in a modern scholar is an interest in strange and beautiful survivals , in which Lanfranc could see nothing but corruption and lack of learning .
12 The Lieutenant nevertheless persisted in trying to enlighten the veteran soldier .
13 The Board also succeeded in 1977 in persuading Ministers that , since the deprave and corrupt test would be applied by the BBFC in assessing the suitability of films for exhibition to the public , those same films should not suffer ‘ double jeopardy ’ in the sense of being subject both to censorship through prior restraint and also to the risk of private prosecutions for obscenity .
14 Cynthia Iliffe shared with the Board a feeling that it could be rather ‘ a hybrid sort of degree course at first ’ , but Pocock and the Board really believed in it , understood that the Crick model of a discipline-based degree had provided it with an academic foundation , but even then ‘ we talked a lot about integration ’ .
15 The tide finally turned in favour of the hosts when Vancouver-Fraser Valley , with former Canada scrum-half Ian Stuart and World Cup no.8 Glenn Ennis the only capped players in view , defeated Northumberland 18–14 in another game that did not live up to expectations .
16 But as the afternoon progressed the tide gradually turned in England 's favour , and former British Youth champion Warren Bennett secured their crucial point when he defeated Richard Dinsdale by two holes .
17 Even if high levels of economic growth were possible it is unlikely that the patterns once achieved in northern regions could be emulated , even if such were desirable .
18 Its disadvantages , on the other hand , include ( a ) its partial circularity : theme is whatever comes in initial position and whatever comes in initial position is theme ; and ( b ) its failure to relate descriptions of SVO languages , particularly those with relatively fixed word order such as English , to descriptions of languages with relatively free word order in which , for instance , the verb often occurs in initial position .
19 It is also worth noting that , because of the unpredictable epidemiology , the technique commonly used in ostertagiasis of " dose and move " in midsummer does not prevent parasitic bronchitis .
20 The chains generally concentrated in particular regions , although not to the extent of local monopoly .
21 The l.e.d. therefore flashes in sympathy with the music above and below its steady brightness level .
22 If the money so raised in a modern equivalent of this lottery is to be wasted on similar luxuries , it would be better if we saved our money or spent it on necessities .
23 Probably the paper did n't even have wire service , and if it did , he 'd bet a dime that anything which had come in about the book 's author had simply been buried in the chaos then reigning in the newspaper office .
24 But at first the cities simply increased in number , grew in population and became more densely packed .
25 The text totally underlined in red ink , he was told , was that of the Director of Iraq 's Atomic Energy Commission .
26 He trusted that they would be enabled to further the progress already made in rebuilding the domestic stability and economic strength of the United Kingdom and in weaving still more closely the threads which bound together the countries of the Commonwealth or , as he still preferred to call it , the Empire .
27 Chapter Six highlights the need for Governing Bodies to build on the progress already achieved in becoming financially more self reliant and to improve further the efficiency of your organisation .
28 The missing boy was n't really interfering with the progress of the Connon case , because the progress only existed in theory .
29 When asked why she allowed the computer so to dominate in this way , she replied ‘ It 's the first time they have been quiet for a whole week ! ’ , reflecting the second cause in the list above .
30 After some time , and the lighting of matches , I got the snake back covered in fragments of crisps , popcorn and cigarette ash .
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