Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [conj] try [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The wife and mother who goes out of the home to earn a wage , to escape being totally dependent on a man , being isolated in the home , and the penny-pinching that trying to make one wage feed the family involves , takes a second job .
2 in a sense of leaping into the flames and trying to battle with it .
3 The rig will swing over the front of the board and try to pull you over .
4 Leslie lost two pints of blood after being stabbed through the heart while trying to arrest a suspected burglar .
5 I found this to be the case when trying to replace a ballcock valve washer in a hot water tank in a very narrow airing cupboard .
6 The method of finance is relatively novel and as yet untried by most contractors but , as is the case when trying to start up any project , potential pitfalls and problems can be circumvented by using consultants , particularly in the early stages to provide off-take forecasts , preliminary designs , financial and legal advice , and subsequently for project management .
7 This seems a fair point to make against some of Stevenson 's and Ayer 's contentions , but the attitudinist , as I have characterised him , in this chapter , would acknowledge Bambrough 's points , yet still think it important to insist on the fundamental difference between trying to decide what is the case and trying to decide what one would wish to be ( and will try to make ) the case and on associating ethical claims with the latter .
8 Nobody was in any danger from the horse but the plaintiff entered the field and tried to calm the horse and was injured .
9 It was in the second phase , then , that linguists stepped to the fore and tried to replace the simple notions of language code and language deficit .
10 Working out the rules and trying to play the Aztec ball-game .
11 We have to establish contact with the kidnappers and try to exchange something , even if it is just information .
12 Some escaped the massacre and tried to make their way back to their own districts .
13 Ward had not lied or misled anyone about the nature of the payment or tried to conceal the money he had received .
14 He did not feel afraid of the ghost and tried to speak to him , but the figure was sad and morose as if struck by a remorseless tragedy .
15 The Germans , halted at Ypres , now adopted a defensive stance in the west while trying to reach a victorious conclusion in the east , where much of the military activity of 1915 was to take place .
16 Ted resumed the operation of the cabin and tried to shake off the depressing atmosphere that now pervaded the small room .
17 Look at the pictures and try to guess who is who .
18 ‘ Lord Raglan wishes the Cavalry to advance rapidly to the front , follow the enemy and try to prevent the enemy carrying away the guns . ’
19 So I went there and cornered her in the canteen and tried to chat her up for half an hour .
20 Those at the conference table are not Palestine Liberation Organisation representatives working out of Tunis but people who actually live in the occupied territories , who have been deprived of their homeland , as they see it , and who are now looking to the future and trying to negotiate some kind of settlement .
21 It is now incumbent on everybody looking after patients following a myocardial infarct to try to reason out what caused the condition and to try to do something about stopping it .
22 Neil Pascoe says he 's always wanted to cycle from John 0 Groats to Lands End and then the idea came to run up the three peaks and swim the lakes and try to raise money for charity …
23 She widened the gap and tried to see what it was .
24 I heard the ambulance and the police cars and I saw them putting the man into the ambulance and trying to resuscitate him and driving away .
25 The manufacturers of BSB 's MAC receivers , the traders that tried to sell them , and the public who were encouraged to buy them , have lost confidence in the whole business of MAC , Marcopolo and 31° West .
26 In your language learning always pay attention to the rhythm and try to mimic the language helper as accurately as you can .
27 Things just gradually start to build up and get on top of you and you either get more into the gear and try to forget about it , or you stop using it and try and sort out what 's left of your life .
28 Encourage activity to improve the circulation and try to minimize stress as this exacerbates shock ( see Chapter 4 ) .
29 The girl threw caution to the wind and tried to make the most of every minute via sex , drink , numerous abortions , and late-night revels .
30 MS-DOS : you get in the car and try to remember where you put your keys .
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