Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [conj] might have " in BNC.

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1 This is not the support that might have been expected for fellow Germans stuck on the communist side after 1945 .
2 Mir Jafar , who was made Nawab , had an adequate claim to the throne and might have been a good ruler under other circumstances , but it was quite clear that he was on the throne simply because the Company had decided to put him there .
3 cut is the branch that might have grown full strait And burned is Apollo 's laurel bough !
4 As a result , in each instance , the harm that might have been done to the environment was at least delayed or controlled .
5 Yeah but it was n't done in a , in an enthusiastic manner it was like a sort of well who do you know like friend , family that sort of thing and at the beginning I thought you was a bit more positive but I thought when you were revisiting the , the planning the future that might have been nerves right at the beginning of the session , you then relaxed and your pace all slowed down , excellent at reminding er Jim picked up referrals mentioned earlier , handled the objection okay , do n't remember you asking Jim to contact them beforehand do n't think you did , Jim did he ?
6 The establishment has taken over and the more wrong it has proved , the more it has stifled the dissent that might have saved the economy .
7 The Yorkes lived next door to the Shergolds and might have gleaned some scraps of information that he could wheedle out of Harriet .
8 But Huxley said nothing about the process that might have led one branch of the primate order to develop the upright posture and the enlarged brain that are the hallmarks of the human race .
9 There was nothing in the room that might have frightened her ?
10 We got our second goal too late to run up the score that might have been available to us , ’ said the national coach .
11 Since Bassett 's book was published , biographies of most of the main protagonists have appeared : but , with one exception , they shed much less light on the crisis than might have been imagined .
12 Reed has taken his chance to impress and win the place that might have gone to England 's Wade Dooley , who has returned home after the death of his father .
13 The thing that worries some people is that as it 's come at this particular time that some of the things that might have been done five years ago by Local Education Authorities to improve their whole education for children with special needs may now , either through other competing financial pressures , or through inertia or whatever , the whole spirit of Warnock could be lost , and I think it 's a thing that , you know , one will have to keep a careful eye on .
14 The second is that she left to escape all the criticism that might have ensued if she stayed behind .
15 There can be no claim that this is what Roth really thinks : the affidavit that might have been contained in The Facts has been withheld .
16 It was a time for thanking God that Matthew had turned his back on the badness that might have dragged him down .
17 Afterwards Grayling tried to think of some reason in the environment that might have had something to do with the outburst .
18 The horrors of eighteenth-century madhouses engender disbelieving revulsion in the twentieth century , yet throughout the last thirty years scandal after scandal has been reported in the press with depressing regularity and without the concern that might have been expected in an apparently liberal and caring society .
19 She had hoped to dodge the subject but might have known that Gloria 's boundless interest in all things morbid and sensational would make it impossible .
20 In 520 hours of observation , he saw only two lambs being brought to the nest that might have been killed by eagles .
21 Although not as many red ensign ships supported our troops in the Gulf as might have , the task was carried out economically by other nations .
22 Mr Scarff said : ‘ I could n't carry on employing staff who supported the men and might have been able to leak sensitive information . ’
23 So far , no one has found a possible candidate for the supernova that might have represented the Star of Bethlehem .
24 Reid almost did n't have the mount on Dr Devious for the maestro Lester Piggott , was hovering in the background and might have pushed Reid to one side .
25 The movement 's historian has described it as ‘ a landmark in Free Church history ’ although he admitted ‘ it did not take hold on the life of the Free Churches in the way that might have been expected ’ .
26 Certainly the development of community care did not take place in the way that might have been envisaged .
27 There was a central mark somewhere in the splurge that might have been the impression of a nipple , but he could n't be sure .
28 It was suggested that the DG method failed to represent the thematic organisation of the concordances analysed , as the categories that might have been chosen on an ’ intuitive ’ basis do not seem to attract any of the 500 most frequently appearing words of a test item .
29 Damages only follow when the loss arises naturally from the breach and might have been anticipated by the parties .
30 The facts that might have prompted CSM to take a more serious view of Opren at its November 1981 meeting are : 1 its own unprecedented number of adverse reaction reports ; which by 1 November 1981 included over 20 deaths which reporting doctors suspected to be due to an Opren reaction ; 2 The reports of the Paris symposium , which it could have attended ; and 3 Dista 's suggestions for a change in the dosage recommendations .
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