Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 These may well be ignored by the algorithm if they score sufficiently poorly .
2 You 'll be displeased to know that you ca n't even avoid the tag if you try to get away from it all to cheer yourself up .
3 This traumatic experience had such a shattering effect on the porter that he left London Transport for good , swearing never to visit Covent Garden Station again .
4 ‘ Suite 817 , ’ said the porter as he opened the door and now , with a tip in prospect , he did stir himself and pointed out the televisions , the radios , the mini bars , the bathrooms , the telephones , the heating , the wardrobes , the list of amenities and the double lock on the door ‘ advisable even in daytime , sir , and even when you are in residence ’ .
5 ‘ I 'll have to finish the porter when I 've seen to the hosses , Mrs Salt , ma'am , ’ said Hawkins and hurried out .
6 Young children imitate and ‘ play ’ the activities that they see adults enjoying .
7 To be able to continue the activities that they have traditionally undertaken , er , with substantial er , grant and financial support from the County Council .
8 Erm it it varied really w we saw our role in general as being to support and and facilitate the activities that they wanted to get involved
9 It may be best to try to specify the teaching objectives in behavioural terms — planning the thoughts and particularly the activities that you envisage for the pupils and the teacher .
10 All of these defences apply only where the person is not shown to have intended to stir up racial hatred , and all of the participants have the defence that they had no reason to suspect that the material was threatening , abusive or insulting .
11 But in certain circumstances , the defendant may exculpate himself from liability either by raising doubts as to whether he had such an intention or awareness , or by establishing on a balance of probabilities the defence that he lacked mens rea .
12 So far as the performer is concerned , he has the defence that he did not know and had no reason to suspect that a programme involving the use of the offending material would be included in a cable broadcast , or that the circumstances in which such material was included would be such that racial hatred would be likely to be stirred up .
13 ’ there not being in force in relation to the use of that vehicle ‘ The proof of insurance falls to the defence once it has been established by the prosecution that the motor vehicle has been used on a road ( Philcox v Carberry [ 1960 ] Crim LR 563 ) .
14 " Hoggatt 's does an occasional examination for the defence if they ask us and if the exhibit is packed and submitted in the approved way .
15 First thing is to make sure that you get an opportunity to discuss it and I agree other people who actually res responded in seem to collect the fee and I am not paid to collect the fee to try to make it very difficult for people to respond but nevertheless the numbers that we , I think in terms of other areas , other areas , the response that we got it is a bit ironic though to sit here in the afternoon having listened in the morning to a lovely discussion which was agonising three hundred , five hundred thousand for on traffic calming .
16 If you can hold your feelings and examine them , force yourself to hear the voice and ask why it produces the response that it does , you are beginning to get the better of it , to break the fearful silence that surrounds it and , incidentally , to add another voice to your writing repertoire .
17 ‘ You 'll never get that ’ was the response that I got , ‘ You had better start with us ’ .
18 The Americans say they are surprised at the response because they do n't think the difference of opinion is worth all the fuss it is causing .
19 Radio Cleveland broadcaster Alan Wright said he was overwhelmed by the response when he raised the case of a Redcar man who had to call the police to get rid of Sure Style salesmen .
20 If it 's inherited from an estate that of itself er attracts no tax , so there tax position would only be the income that they received from it would be subject to income tax and it would be added to their own assets so that when they die in due course then they 've inheritance payable there .
21 That so somewhere in i in between you 've got to be receiving the income that you generate .
22 A first step in the process is to examine the gap between what the company income is likely to be from the products now in production and the income that it wishes to have over the next planning period .
23 It has been able to obtain a third of the income that it needs from sponsorship , while a further third has been obtained from admission charges .
24 in some policies you can elect to do both and in others , you only receive the income if you take NHS treatment instead of private .
25 On the other hand , if the income as it arose in each of the five years was paid out to Mr X that would have no tax consequences : he could not be assessed under TA 1988 , s739 as he is not ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom .
26 As the law presently stands , it is open for a settlor to transfer assets overseas upon an accumulation trust for the benefit of his children without there being any UK tax liability on the income as it arises overseas .
27 The implication from the provision and s741 is if the Revenue have not actually charged the income when it arose in year 1 and it is paid out in year 3 , the only charge under s739 would be in year 3 when the monies are paid out .
28 There was an awkward moment at the breakfast-table when she asked him why he was wearing his Sunday suit .
29 Anything that kept her from running into Nicolo Sabatini was absolutely fine , which was why she had been delighted a few mornings later at the breakfast-table when he 'd told her he would be away for a few days .
30 Do not take naps in the daytime if you feel tired .
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