Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [conj] [verb] if " in BNC.

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1 If this fails to hold the situation then review the case and see if there have been any changes or new information come to light that would enable you to select a more similar remedy which could carry on the work of the first remedy .
2 Keep re-checking the field and reselect if a better one becomes apparent .
3 Jack paused indecisively , looking back at the Glory and wondering if there was any connection between its abandoned state and the mysterious figures on the hill .
4 Add proposed record spending levels on research and development , infrastructure , education , enterprise zones and job training , as well as real estate and profamily incentives , and there may well be good reason to fear that the overall budget deficit may be the constraint that yields if spending cuts ca n't be found to finance all of these initiatives .
5 He went to the kitchen and asked if the nurse would be so kind as to wait , just a few moments , and he was out of the room before she could tell him how tight her schedule was .
6 He had been tempted , so amusing did he find the situation , to ring the doorbell and ask if he could borrow a jack to change a wheel , or something .
7 Go into the University and see if there 're there are any conferences there that I can ask .
8 She was more interested in getting a glass of water from the mini-bar and enquiring if she could have a cup of tea .
9 Why the hell should I look at the roof except to see if there was a satellite TV dish .
10 Aeration equipment was installed to serve six 200 tonne bins in order that new harvest grain could be taken into the warehouse and aerated if required .
11 If you reach the conclusion that the asking price is reasonable , ring the agent and ask if any other offers have been made and what he thinks the owner might accept .
12 No matter , it was a wild weekend , and some time soon I 'll return to the scene of the crime and see if I can make the princely pond a home fit for a frog .
13 Inspect the result and decide if it would look better if you stretched or shrunk the scale .
14 She said she had seen the programme and wondered if it had spoiled anything for me , but I was able to reassure her that it had improved my life .
15 Try to hit a daisy or a leaf with the grip end of the club and see if you can do it .
16 I heard later from Michael Mills , at that time head of comedy , who said he liked the script and asked if I could do a series . ’
17 Hugh 's mother , climbing out of her taxi with a zip bag full of baby clothes , heard the laughter and wondered if she should contact Hugh in wherever it was and suggest that he came home .
18 And I said the thing is , she 'll pick him up off the floor or she 'll pick him up out the basket and say if you do n't give me some money for some drugs I 'll chuck him on the floor !
19 I realised there were periods of time when this pool is hardly used , so I approached the management and asked if I could bring parties of residents here from Conway House .
20 So I , I will go back to the developer and see if they will be prepared to fund traffic calming work .
21 Then show the reference and see if they recognise the real you in it .
22 Draw the wood and see if you can write wood .
23 Try to find from the salvage dealer the police station from which he collected the vehicle and enquire if they know its original number from their files .
24 Predicting : students look at the title of the passage and discuss their expectations in pairs ; they then write down ten words they expect to find ; they then read the passage and see if their words appear .
25 I wrapped my trenchcoat over the bulge and asked if I could telephone .
26 She decided that her best hope was to go up to the belvedere and see if she could find any indication at all that someone else had been involved in Gebrec 's death .
27 ‘ I 'll go down to the village and see if they 've got any newspapers and magazines . ’
28 In our opinion , the duty is not simply one to take reasonable care in the abstract , but to take reasonable care not to injure a person whom it should reasonably have been foreseen may be injured by the act or neglect if such care is not taken .
29 A further discussion with Sir Henry led us to agree that the telegram must be delivered , but that I should take it in person to the Editor and see if something less embarrassing could be agreed .
30 Go down to the lobby and see if you can find me a copy of …
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