Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [pron] [was/were] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , alright the heating did n't go wrong but it was n't that , the coach itself was you know , really rattled !
2 ‘ I told the lock-keeper it was yours .
3 I do n't know what happened , but over the years it was me who came to the band 's aid when it was needed .
4 During all the long years of the war it was she who kept up the morale of all of us , especially my father , who went through many difficult times .
5 yeah there 's a muse th th there 's a museum at Carne in Normandy , I do n't know if anyone 's been there , we went there last year , and it , it 's a new museum , a memorial museum and that 's the most moving place I 've ever been because it 's actually designed to show how awful war is and that it should n't happen again , it 's not a museum glorifying war , it 's a museum showing that , that it should n't happen , we should n't let it happen and there 's a erm there 's a great big case as you go in which has er a statement from every country that took part in the war , including Germany , and they 're all there , they 're all there together saying that you should n't you should n't let it happen and , and and I , I thought that was the sort o you know i i it was very impressive because i it was n't glorifying anybody , it was n't saying we won the war , you lost the war it was it was a , a coming together to say that it should n't happen .
6 And if nobody 's caught the person who was it is it again .
7 I mean in response to the general tone of the argument which was they want us to increase the leadership roles in the , in in local government and in in local communities and local councils we would we thought that
8 If anyone had the right to place the bolt it was him .
9 Erm n I as I say I could n't see her the bed it was it was a duvet and .
10 The year 1848 had demonstrated that she was unable to control the territory which was hers already .
11 Here 's the clues who were they talking about ?
12 And in the end it was he who turned up a bullet case ( 7.62 mm x 51 and therefore probably FAKINTIL ) .
13 He sat frozen in his seat by surprise , so blocked by his own consideration of duty , honour and the right way to behave to junior staff that in the end it was she who moved towards him , and touched his cheek .
14 Even now I half-suspected that she was just teasing , but in the end it was she who wriggled and twisted until we docked .
15 He thought you know it in the film it was him !
16 Now that 's a modern version , again I made that for a couple of years ago but the tradition there was you knitted on hands and you ladies will probably know , four pins , no seams , all on the circular , right up to the neck and then the cast on the sleeve there and again , no seams .
17 But if people do n't pack , as was the example of this job to this last week that took till erm the time it was it was four o'clock as I said when they finished .
18 ‘ And I thought it was those rats or my silly old brain and all the time it was you , young man . ’
19 There was a gang of us , but I mean er if one of us got involved with a fight it was him and him .
20 While some might ask why the Gotha museum should be required to buy a picture which was theirs to begin with , every picture offers a unique set of circumstances , and the Gotha Wtewael was no exception .
21 well I know when , I know when Alan and Jade were both made emplo , unemployed and Alan withdrawal his dole and when Jade was unemployed they took the dole off Alan and give him sixty pound a week which was you know
22 ‘ I heard all about the interrogation , but I had no idea it was you . ’
23 How can yu do dis , in de past it was you ,
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