Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [pron] [vb base] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The auditors draw shareholders ' attention to notes to the accounts which state that they incorporate amounts derived from four subsidiaries placed into administrative receivership after the year end .
2 Your asking me as chairman of the board and I think I can speak to the board I think that the theatre has actually managed very well .
3 Yet its the subject of strangers and the dangers they pose that this performance is all about .
4 My concerns are much more involved with the dangers I perceive that many valued institutions are having to confront within current political climates .
5 If one relates this position to citation studies in the humanities which show that well over 50% of books cited have imprint dates up to 35 years ago and earlier , the increasing tendency to search only the OPAC , and ignore the card catalogue is doing a major disservice to scholars and their potential exploitation of the resources of research libraries .
6 If this is the case I hope that it has the courage and honesty to admit it .
7 If that is the case I imagine that more Scots will wish to take advantage of trust status .
8 It 's also the case I suppose that erm from the point of view of a child , thinking back to my own childhood , a lot of contact with grown-ups was was enormously traumatic and yet was considered by the grown-ups to be entirely legitimate .
9 On average we have had 35 family members and 30 juniors , but because of the difficulty of ‘ policing ’ the courts we believe that at least twice that number of juniors actually play on the courts without paying a subscription ( members get a key , but juniors let their friends in ) .
10 And the prisoners themselves know that they are not alone , that the world has not forgotten them .
11 As far as the script recognition system is concerned , the cases which suggest that a word is an error , are where the lexical look-up gives no allowable candidate strings , or all candidate strings are rejected by further stages of analysis .
12 The difficulty I think that we 're facing , is that it 's happening in year two of a four year transition period , before we 've really got to grips with what the long-term position is , what the overall demands are , and to what degree we are going to be able to model , change , control and , and influence those demands .
13 But I , I do n't think it was the total picture but it was one of the reasons I think that persuaded President Clinton to invite Gerry Adams , or to lift the visa for forty eight hours .
14 Erm with the electrification we feel that it 's a very clean and green way of travel .
15 Cambridge also contained a strong ‘ republican ’ group at this time , and while there is no proof that Wordsworth joined them at the University we find that he freely associated with ex-Cambridge liberals after his return from France in 1793 .
16 Secondly , this is not a case where the tax was paid under a mistake of law made by the payer and the revenue thus can not , and does not , rely on the authorities which rule that a claim for money had and received does not lie where it was paid under a mistake of law .
17 He ( and the Assistant Dean ) also counsel many other students on the Course who consider that they have problems , and also respond to queries from other staff as to how best to advise individual students .
18 The figure I think that we , yes I wonder if Mrs Long could re to that particular question ?
19 The calories provided by the extra alcohol , sugar , and chocolate were some 500 to 600 per day , and as Alan did not gain weight during the experiment we know that his intake of good foods must have fallen by this amount , some 25 per cent of his normal daily intake .
20 Now he is outside the car I see that he is a little over six feet tall and carries no more spare flesh than does an iron poker .
21 When we add up all the indicators which show that we are moving closer to federal control , and balance them against the number which show that we are moving further away from central control , we are asking ourselves , what is the meaning of subsidiarity ?
22 But given that the authors themselves say that 20 per cent of those over 80 suffer from senile dementia ( p. 297 ) an important group of clients and their carers seem to have been dis-enfranchised .
23 " Why did n't you use anything ? " is a familiar question , and there are various explanations — getting pregnant may have an unreal quality about it , something which younger teenagers in particular may feel , and even if they know the risks they assume that they 'll be lucky .
24 And then of course er when I got to New York we were quite friendly with all the people on the boat you know that made great friends with some of them and er I had two or three places to go , I had spent a few days at the World Fair and then I flew down to Washington and er then I came back again .
25 Certainly the saw he bought for the mill I think that has great prospects and you know there 's no two ways about it , it could help production and ease the work of the workforce .
26 School makes me nervous ; when I walk down the corridor I feel that everyone is staring at me , and because a lot of people know about my anorexia they think it their job to comment constantly on what I am eating or not eating , and how much better I look now that I 've put on weight .
27 It has been a matter of debate because there are those in the council who feel that if you put in a contingency provision it will be spent whether it 's needed or not .
28 On the way back to my office through the gallery I see that the art deco figures have disappeared and have been replaced by enormous canvases of contemporary art .
29 As you pass through the hall you notice that Mr Azul is just where you left him .
30 He sued to love the sun and it seemed to give him life but now as they drag his limp body into the sun they realise that nothing will wake him , not even the sun .
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