Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 A student who offered shopowners immunity from the activities of ragweek in return for donations to charity was held by the trial judge not to have used menaces .
2 Intragastric administration of indomethacin did not affect the activities of SOD in the gastric mucosa at three or six hours after indomethacin .
3 There may well have been planning permission for the activities in question in those cases .
4 This form of words is used in an attempt to avoid the problem of the defence of recklessness in R. v. Caldwell ( H.L. , 1982 ) .
5 v. Dudley and Stephens , as most students seem to think , nor even is it simply a question on the defence of necessity in general .
6 However , despite an apparent dictum to the contrary , the Torquay Hotel principle does not , it is submitted , extend to imposing liability in a case where A has , without any unlawful act , done no more than persuade B to exercise an option open to him under his contract with C , for example , to terminate it by proper notice , for so to hold would be to draw an indefensible distinction between existing , but terminable , relationships and those which are merely prospective , and render it necessary to fall back on the defence of justification in order , for example , lawfully to persuade an employee to change his employment for higher pay .
7 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) that the appropriate means of achieving fairness to an accused with regard to disclosure to the defence of material in the prosecution 's possession was a matter to be determined by the particular legislature , executive and judiciary concerned ; that although the Jamaican practice , particularly in relation to inconsistent previous statements , would normally be an acceptable means of achieving such fairness it did not extend to every situation in which fairness required the prosecution to make material available to the defence ; that where the prosecution intended a witness 's evidence to be based on his statement to the police and to deviate significantly from his deposition , the prosecution was under a duty to supply the defence with a copy of the statement before the trial ; and that , therefore , since the deceased 's husband and sister had given evidence inconsistent with their statements , and important testimony had been adduced from them which had not been foreshadowed in their depositions , the failure to disclose their statements to the defence constituted a material irregularity ( post , pp. 161H — 162A , B , B–C , 165C–E ) .
8 In relation to the disclosure to the defence of material in the possession of the prosecution , the key is fairness to the accused but the practice varies between different jurisdictions in the common law world .
9 Assessing the response to chemotherapy in oesophageal carcinoma is not easy and is based on data provided by endoscopy , histopathology , and computed tomography .
10 All the evidence available suggests that the rate of fall of the glucose concentration does not affect the response to hypoglycaemia in a clamp .
11 The ESRC funded project into ‘ The Response to Microelectronics in the Service Sector ’ is closely associated with the Centre , and has conducted investigations into new technology and work organisation in banks , hospitals and retail stores .
12 Rolle is emphatic that " ryghtwysnes " is not in the discipline itself , but it is the fruit of it , a state of inner freedom untouched by the constraints of outward circumstances : He recognises that the will to effect such inner effort has to be awakened — drawn — that it is the response to goodness in men and in Christ , and to the joy of heaven , which starts to work man 's salvation .
13 This definition was used by Cohen to explain the response to youth in the 1950s and 1960s but it can be similarly applied to moral crises in the more distant past — one may refer by way of example , to the nexus of fears generated by the French Revolution , which significantly shaped the contours of ‘ Victorian ’ sexuality , or the anxieties which produced the legislative restructuring of the 1880s and 1900s , or the fears generated by the cold war in the 1950s .
14 These requirements were substantially met before 1969 by the creation of discretionary trusts , by which property is given to trustees upon trust to apply the income on capital in favour of such one or more members of a group of beneficiaries as the trustees shall in their absolute discretion determine .
15 The income from farming in Northern Ireland in 1992 is estimated to have amounted to £224.2m .
16 I saw parties feeding on the seed-heads of thrift in the middle of a gannet colony , on the seeds of rushes out on the windswept moors , and in my own garden where they quickly cleaned up the remaining rowan berries .
17 No planting is undertaken without the addition of compost in the planting hole , and this is followed by a surface mulch .
18 Also for creative arts , a weekly period of music and art would be insufficient ; rather , a rotational arrangement should be employed which allowed pupils to spend more time on music , say , for part of two years , with the opportunity for work in art and perhaps drama at other times ' .
19 For instance , restriction of the opportunity for reproduction in Drosophila to 3–6-day-old flies for 120 generations resulted in a fall in the late but not the early-life fecundity of females in these ’ r' lines relative to that of females of ’ K' lines where adults of any age could breed .
20 The opportunity for experimentation in comparing , selecting and rejecting terms in the PRECIS consultation was an important feature of the search process .
21 ‘ We want to provide the opportunity for change in the viewer , ’ declares George .
22 The document proposed that , to reduce waiting lists , health service patients should have the opportunity of treatment in private hospitals ; and that health authorities should explore the potential of placing contracts with private nursing homes for the care of elderly patients , in order to free hospital beds for other patients .
23 I believe it 's a necessary reform , it 's a pity that the government have not taken the opportunity of change in the number of seats to bring some measure of proportionality to the British European elections .
24 Whilst it may seem that Standing Committee are abandoning Hong Kong Branch in a time of upheaval in the colony , the 1991 A.G.M. also resolved that the Branch should be provided with the opportunity of reformation in the future if formally requested to do so by the ‘ Chairperson ’ of the now disestablished ‘ Branch ’ .
25 The forms of document in use by each of the plaintiffs are directed primarily to cases where independent valuers are instructed but they must also be considered against the background of a contract of employment between the valuer and the society .
26 Chapter 4 provides the reasons for selecting Wales and the Auvergne as the major study areas and outlines the forms of agriculture in the two regions plus their nature conservation interests .
27 Both , however , suggest that the ‘ set ’ towards the message leads to a renewed perception of reality , by generating a renewed awareness of the forms of signification in which reality is articulated .
28 The implication behind this hierarchy of the forms of absence in James is that secrets , ghosts and death are merely pale prefigurations of art as absent essence , and therefore that any significance they might have in the functioning of the tales derives from their status as anticipatory metaphors of art itself .
29 Self-conscious clarity about our epistemic methods , in that case , would require a perspicuous representation of the characteristics of the forms of discourse in question .
30 In other words , the majority of work in these three shows refuses to be silenced by the weight of modernist authority , choosing instead to inhabit the body of tradition in the form of an uninvited and irrepressible guest .
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