Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] from " in BNC.

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1 In Devon and Cornwall indeed there seems to have been a long tradition of piratical and privateering activity in addition to legitimate trade , which may well have laid the foundation for the activities of seamen from this part of the country in the Elizabethan age ( 63 , pp.159–60 ) .
2 It provides the opportunity for researchers from different disciplines to present and discuss papers about the methodological perspectives used in existing studies of the framing and impact of the ERA .
3 The 11th ‘ Accent on Design ’ October Seminar will take place on 11th and 12th , with interesting speakers , informative master classes , a fashion show and an extensive exhibition with the opportunity to purchases from the smallest button to the latest machine , accessory or publication .
4 The refusal of Erastus to derive the forms of bodies from the stars , or from anything within nature , pointed toward the empiricism of Bacon , for whom the only guides to knowledge were experience and the bible .
5 It would be unrealistic to expect the majority of researchers from overseas to maintain their UK research interests when they return to their country of origin , or move elsewhere , as many of them do , to the extent that they would wish to complete a paper or papers based on their UK findings .
6 It would be unrealistic to expect the majority of researchers from overseas to maintain their UK research interests when they return to their country of origin , or move elsewhere , as many of them do , to the extent that they would wish to complete a paper or papers based on their UK findings .
7 Whereas the majority of respondents from the six CCAB bodies favoured the principle of rationalisation by means of reduction of the number of bodies , 58 per cent of ICAS respondents did not .
8 Clearly this offers no solution for the majority of students from low-income families , while for most rural children no such alternatives exist .
9 The Exchange 's executive director Sergey Starodubov has said in an interview with the newspaper Kommersant that the majority of offers from foreign firms amount to the foreign partners being responsible for most of the hard currency expenditure involved in carrying out a project .
10 The report , which called for the raising of the minimum wage in the overseas departments and examined the contentious issue of civil service pay , was not supported by the majority of deputies from Guadeloupe and Martinique in a debate held on June 12-13 in the French National Assembly .
11 The majority of deputies from the opposition bloc were absent from these sessions .
12 It has been known for some time that the majority of fibres from the left and right eyes converge upon single cells in the visual cortex of the cat and monkey ( Hubel and Wiesel , 1967 ) .
13 Their activism is now able to sustain itself independently of the lives , dreams and aspirations of the majority of blacks from whose experience they derive their authority to speak .
14 The majority of deaths from lung cancer happen to smokers ; smoking causes heart disease , bronchitis and emphysema ; many more suffer years of debilitating illness that would certainly kill them if some other cause of death — crossing the road to go to the tobacconist first , perhaps — did not intervene .
15 In England and Wales those aged 65 + represent the majority of deaths from all forms of heart disease and strokes .
16 A Fire Authority divisional officer at Bangor confirmed the majority of firemen from Castlereagh have left the service .
17 I can write to the hon. Gentleman with the figures , but the majority of arrivals from Vietnam who are screened are found not to be refugees .
18 High seriousness mingled with amiable Bohemianism , provincial spoke to cosmopolitan , Fabian joked with hedonist , and teachers of mathematics admired the hats of potters from Cornwall .
19 Cutbacks were instigated , including the reduction of employees from 21,000 to 14,000 .
20 The austerity measures designed to eliminate the islands ' large budget deficits and to take into account the reduction in earnings from the petroleum and financial sectors , were to be maintained .
21 Dr Goodson-Wickes warned : ‘ The high standards which have been foresaken elsewhere are at risk because of the reduction in battalions from eight to five .
22 Just as I was fascinated with the reduction in inches from my own thighs when I first embarked on my special diet , I was equally interested to hear whether my trial team had benefited in the cellulite department and I included a question to this effect in my questionnaire .
23 The place seems to enshrine for the Swiss their national ideals from the earliest days of the Confederation onward , and there is an element of pilgrimage attendant on the crowds of citizens from all parts of the country , wearing many varieties of national costume , who come here , ferried across from Brunnen by relays of lake steamers , to join in the observations of the day , commemorating the solemn oath of 1307 which confirmed the earlier League Covenant of 1291 to defend inherited liberties .
24 On March 11 , opposition groups led by George Serban drew up the Timisoara Declaration , a document calling for the banning of ex-communists from public office , a purge of the bureaucracy and democratic reforms .
25 The slightly grudging tone is revealing : the AMMA , like most other teaching unions , campaigned against the funding of schools from Whitehall during the last Parliament .
26 The range of Victorian and Edwardian painting can be seen in the variety of subjects from classical , medieval and modern life and contrasting styles from the minute detail of the Pre-Raphaelites to the broad brush of Sickert and Steer .
27 The high per capita costs of ensuring these services , and the provision of subsidies from central government may be easier to justify where there is a closer relationship between farming and other activities .
28 No , er I think it would be wise to separate the provision for increments from pay awards , they are quite separate er items of expenditure , the increments I refer to here , these are the annual increments which the County Council as an employers contract to take an individual as he addresses through his particular salary rate , will that
29 He says in his affirmation , with the support of letters from his doctor , that he and his wife suffer from heart conditions and other ailments which make it undesirable for them to occupy accommodation above the level of the ground floor .
30 One of the pretexts is the smuggling of objects from countries such as Greece and Italy , not to speak of Turkey and the African countries whose cultural heritage could be seriously affected .
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