Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 The criticism that Elliott and Ebbutt make of this approach is three fold : values underlying judgements are not revealed ; the analysis is atomistic and ignores the inter-relationships among features of a school 's activities ; and areas are inevitably ignored .
2 As will have been apparent from the discussion on pre-emptive rights , this borrowing by the stock markets of an expression ‘ equities ’ derived from the activities of Courts of Chancery has in turn been borrowed by the companies ' legislation in its definition of ‘ equity securities ’ and ‘ equity share capital . ’
3 It is my contention that the response to causes of disruptive behaviour has focused too much on within-child factors .
4 The response by headmistresses of middle class girls ' schools parallelled nineteenth-century divisions over the appropriate curriculum for girls .
5 Because of interaction , component values can not be determined by a simple ‘ rule of thumb ’ and it is necessary to equate the response in terms of impedances with that in terms of time constants .
6 In order to reflect accurately the pupil 's mathematical thinking , it is vital to assess the response in terms of the problem as the pupil perceives it .
7 Ring the Park for details of these events .
8 The road continues through the park with views of the House and its landscaped lakes .
9 Built in the park like grounds of a grand Victorian house .
10 This sector continues to be dominated by a largely white farming community , with the addition of members of the new black elite .
11 The addition of off-cuts of wood , trimmed and made splinter-proof , with irregular shapes , can make the materials much more stimulating .
12 The technique , known as damascening , involved the addition of inlays of threads of silver and gold to bronze blades and hilts , and set off by patches or pools of black enamel ; the designs depicted hunting scenes ( Figure 10 ) .
13 The statute book began to expand , with the addition of measures of social reform .
14 This process involved the addition of doses of lime and soda ash which after a time led to precipitation of the hardness salts .
15 The majority of reports of platelet-aggregation studies in diabetics without clinical evidence of vascular complications have found increased aggregation to various agonists , particularly ADP and collagen ( Sagel et al , 1975 ; Halushka et al , 1971 ; Stuart et al , 1979 ; Halushka et al , 1981 a ; Silberbauer et al , 1981 ; Janka et al , 1983 ) .
16 You are quite likely to find specimens of the majority of forms of I , aquifolium and I. x altaclarensis in the garden centres and tree-and-shrub nurseries within striking distance of where you live .
17 There is a further factor that feminists have drawn attention to , which is that the majority of students of English are women , whereas the majority of academics teaching it are male , and that the female students have a built-in deference to male teachers and to the minority of male students .
18 In the majority of cases of late congenital syphilis the condition is in a latent phase , and it may be difficult to decide whether the infection is congenital or acquired .
19 In the United Kingdom , in contrast to anywhere else in the world , the majority of cases of sexually transmitted disease are seen in clinics staffed by specialists trained particularly to deal with these problems .
20 Some deny that Candida is a common problem , while others claim that it underlies the majority of cases of food intolerance .
21 But it 's believed that the majority of cases of tuberculosis , that we actually see , are so called post-primary tuberculosis where all of this process is taking place asymptomatically and the host is in this state of balance but something else comes along and stresses cell mediated immunity and the control breaks down so that th the organism M T B wins out very dramatically over the , over the macrophages and you end up with this post-primary pattern of tuberculosis .
22 Paradoxical pain may well exist but is neither well documented nor common ; it does not account for the majority of cases of uncontrolled pain , and we are not aware of any evidence that it was an important factor in the care of the patient in the recent highly publicised court case .
23 The real achievement of headhunting in Britain , which indicates the new maturity of the industry , has been a gradual but discernible change in the attitude of the majority of users of search .
24 The majority of collectors of autograph and manuscript material will not concern themselves with these early periods or with anything much before the sixteenth century .
25 The broad conclusion must be that the majority of owners of small parcels lived within a radius of a very few miles .
26 In smaller businesses , job reviews may only take place when the time comes to decide on salary increases and there might be little consultation with the majority of members of staff .
27 Consequently an artificial odorizer in the form of tetrahydrothiophen is added to North sea gas at the off shore terminals to achieve a ‘ distinctive smell ’ similar to the characteristic smell of coal-gas , as required by regulations made under s.26(1) of The Gas Act 1972 — the intention being no doubt to ensure that the majority of members of the public are able to detect a gas leak by its characteristic odour .
28 The majority of members of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers have voted to take industrial action over their workload .
29 These circumstances will arise in the majority of instances of expert determination .
30 As would be expected , the majority of senses of the constituent words are related to property and its purchase ( e.g. ’ leasehold ’ , ’ house ’ , ’ home ’ , ’ first ’ , ’ time ’ , etc . ) .
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