Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [pron] [verb] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Another place where writers put commas " illegally " is between a verb which describes saying and the sentence which presents what is said :
2 After the election we asked which way they had actually voted .
3 That 's , that was all the experience I had which you say experience of life .
4 But , during the course of the recession I think what happened was that most companies stopped keeping stocks did n't they ?
5 Once the directive is issued , individuals have reasons to take the action it requires which they did not have before , because now there is ground to expect that a convention will be formed .
6 At the first meeting in the department I did what every other Transport Minister appears to have done over the previous ten years : I hired Professor Sir Alec Cairncross to advise me .
7 After an inept start , Rangers battled belligerently to achieve the result they sought which keeps them abreast of Marseille , who defeated Club Brugge 3-0 in France .
8 But now in the belly of the monster she learned what fear was .
9 NOW the European Community mandarins have gone their separate ways after yet another costly weekend of squabbling and arm-twisting , it 's time we realised that the nations which form what was once called The Common Market actually have very little in ‘ common ’ at all .
10 This hierarchy lies at the heart of all LIFESPAN facilities , as it is the status of the users and the privileges they have which determines the level of activity they are allowed to pursue .
11 He took the paper from her , however , and after a quick glance at her set face , read the column she indicated which was headed ‘ Book Reviews ’ .
12 It is the responses they provide which constitute the data recorded and analysed .
13 I know that many killings are done for next to nothing but we are not dealing with street muggers or footloose louts , we are dealing with the middle-aged and the middle-class-people who know which side their bread is buttered and value their reputations almost more than their deeds and their share certificates .
14 In an early paper for the Council he adumbrated what he was later to name ‘ partnership in validation ’ : final authority should remain in the hands of the Council , but academic boards in ‘ experienced institutions ’ could be authorized ‘ to reach decisions in defined areas ’ , decisions to be reported to the Council and normally accepted by it as ‘ acts of the Council ’ .
15 One is that we do make acquisitions , we on , on the whole er , prefer er , organic growth because it is normally more profitable and the prices you have to pay for acquisitions er , tend to put significant premiums on the companies you buy which you may er , in the longer run eventually erm , er , turn into shareholder value .
16 The swiftlets which produce what the Chinese consider the most desirable edible birds ' nests roost in caves beneath these cliffs .
17 Throughout the campaign we asked what people thought were the main issues being stressed by each of the parties .
18 But he had always failed to impress the grown-ups in Never Never Land : the ones who handed out the end-of-term prizes , and the folk who decided which movies were important and meaningful , as opposed to escapist fun for all the family .
19 You get the child who draws what he knows he can draw well .
20 Show the child you mean what you say by making use of businesslike but courteous commands and instructions .
21 And I have to sort it out , sit there , sort it out and then work out how much it 's gon na come to , and then I know then when I go to the shop I know what to get , and I know when it goes in the cupboard I know that I 'll have a meal for every day of the week .
22 ‘ . If we assume — and it is probably the right assumption — that students can no longer easily read isolated literary texts , but need to make sense of them in a variety of contexts , much power is given to the teacher who decides which are the relevant cultural codes to be invoked and expounded ; Marxists , at least , are specific on the matter .
23 So , perhaps unsurprisingly , it is this aspect of the home and the security it provides which is of central importance to the poor .
24 She had watched him working delicately on the door , with all the attention to detail of the perfectionist , and had known him to be the sort who got what he wanted in life through hard work , never by taking the easy way out .
25 That stone was the capital one of the circle which surrounded what now remains . ’
26 On the right you see what I think is a far more likely explanation of the same facts .
27 Devon and Cornwall 's canals connected agricultural areas with the goods they needed which came in through the many small ports .
28 I mean I 'm too frightened the things what happened what you know , the stereo nicked and
29 Figure 2.17 illustrates the half-word data transfer operations on the DEC PDP- 10 computer , together with the variations which specify what action is to be performed on the other half of the destination word .
30 One can visualise these gentlemen each with a candle or dim lantern , perhaps totally unused to situations like that , climbing fearfully up the ladders , hard on each others heels , taking comfort from the nearness of each other and climbing awkwardly with the lights they carried which would cast but a feeble glow about them .
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