Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun] but [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Under the English system of parishes every diocese had variety ; that is each parish had the Prayer Book but used it as it thought , with simple or elaborate ceremonial , and with variations of language sanctioned by the ( illegal ) Prayer Book of 1928 if it wished .
2 In certain fertility rites in Burma , a woman desirous of offspring is required not only to approach the King Cobra but to plant a kiss on its mouth .
3 They had decided that they should not walk up the staircase to the throne room but find another route to approach their captors .
4 At Eton I had enjoyed the Field Game but loathed cricket , and had not played soccer or rugger since my preparatory school .
5 He revealed that he 'd been intending to do an act at the Easter Fete but had abandoned it because he 'd decided it was a load of rubbish .
6 Royal aides described her as being ‘ on good form ’ at the lunch and reception before the Garter ceremony but said at her age she decided it could be tiring to attend .
7 Steve Gaughan should have made more of a dangerous free kick on the edge of the Stoke box but fired his 20-yard effort wide .
8 They pointed out that committee members were unrepresentative of the user body but got re-elected year after year .
9 Always summarize the concessions which you have agreed to make during the bargaining process but omit to mention those offered by the other party .
10 He had wanted to make the £1,000 target but hopes that he can raise the balance when he runs in the Luton and Brussels half marathons — and possibly the New York marathon — later this year .
11 If the monitor works but appears to have lost one or more of the red , blue or green colours , the cable connecting the card to the monitor is not making a good connection .
12 Najibullah 's offer was welcomed by the Pakistan government but spurned by the hardline mujaheddin groups .
13 Roger Richards , prosecuting , said Holiday left the Steps Bistro but returned later with Longthorne .
14 He felt automatically for the light switch but did not turn it on .
15 Tony surprises an oncoming motorist by assuming a position that leaves his legs on the gravel road but takes the rest of him down among the lake-side vegetation .
16 People are supposed to fill in the job description on the first page of the appraisal form but do n't , in a lot of cases .
17 The belt tension tends to increase the boom damage but makes for easier repairs .
18 Using new ‘ viral engineering ’ techniques , researchers would use the protein ‘ coat ’ of the Aids virus but remove harmful genes wrapped inside it .
19 Although the switching action is abrupt , the current in L1 and the voltage across C2 can not , however , follow the steep rise of the switch output but builds up relatively slowly .
20 They 've all read the Magpie column but arrive at differing conclusions .
21 Physically , it looks similar to the Data Discman but weighs about 850 g without the battery .
22 Scoobie had found his way onto the Mull ferry but had not enjoyed the trip and was mightily relieved to be found by his owner .
23 [ The COUNTESS leaves but drops her handkerchief on which is her coat of arms and coronet .
24 They 've checked schools and housing estates in the Mansfield area but say they 've no leads .
25 They 've checked schools and housing estates in the Mansfield area but say they 've no leads .
26 Those in the know say that ‘ vibe ’ was a hippy term that disappeared in Dublin during the punk purges but resurfaced in the late Eighties when a town bathing in the warm glow of U2 's global ascendancy rediscovered its ( hippy ? ) roots .
27 I attended the launch of the Wearfit Club but did so in order to discover what the circus was all about .
28 The foreign secretaries of the two countries did not deal with the political issues in the Kashmir crisis but focused on military confidence-building measures .
29 A He111 appeared over the Fleet soon after the Hurricanes had departed and this was chased by the Fulmar patrol but managed to evade them and escape .
30 Nervous ? he fingerspelt , following it up with the fear sign but smiling to take the edge out of it .
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