Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 exactly , but who has to pay in to the contingency fund if it 's agreed by the residence ?
2 It is the only union youth magazine which exists in the U K and it specifically addresses young people 's problems , fears and hopes .
3 because I , I remem I remember when the if it was the Seventeen er I remember when that was launched in the , in the U K and it was
4 Erm all that sort of leads me back to where I started from , our perception of this survey is that it 's encouraging in the sense that it suggests that the recovery in the economy is erm widening and deepening if you like , it 's widening in the sense that it 's spreading to all the mainland regions of the U K and it 's deepening in the sense that erm firstly , although there are regional variations within this , it 's clearly not purely an export story and it 's not purely a domestic story , it 's a mixture of the two which gives us some reassurance erm it 's also deepening in the sense that there 's no evidence from the survey of anything which is likely to trip up the recovery in the short term , and remember that most of these er questions relate to the next four months , not all of them , but mo most of them relate to the next four months so one does n't want to extrapolate too far forward but nevertheless if you look at erm er most obviously sort of the the crisis and the inflation questions , if you look at er
5 History was sex , French was sex , art was sex , the Bible , poetry , penfriends , games , music , everything was sex except biology which was obviously sex but obviously not really sex , not the one which was secret and ecstatic and wicked and a sacrament and all the things it was supposed to be at one and the same time — I got that in the boiler room and it turned out to be biology after all .
6 This point also applies to the C note ; during the solo this is played against the G chord where it is a 4th , the D chord where it is a ♭7 and the C chord where it is a root ( 1 ) .
7 Execution of documents 7. — ( 1 ) For any purpose other than those mentioned in sub-paragraph ( 2 ) below , a document is validly executed by the Funding Council if it is signed on their behalf by a member of the Funding Council or by their secretary ( or any person performing the duties of secretary to the Funding Council ) or by any person authorised to sign the document on their behalf .
8 ( 2 ) For the purposes of any enactment or rule of law relating to the authentication of documents , a document is validly executed by the Funding Council if it is subscribed on their behalf by being executed in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph ( 1 ) above .
9 I actually put forward an amendment , to the police authority , whereby we take that er , million pounds o , of pensions , and by a certain amount of slight of hand , it be put back into county balances , and then re-allocated back to the police authority for this year , and that would have added an extra million to the base budget and it would not have cost this county council one extra penny .
10 Erm an alkali is contained in the base family but it 's got a special property .
11 One of the most frequent questions I have been asked about roses goes something like this : ‘ I bought some of the variety x when it was first exhibited at Chelsea and the other shows .
12 The 8-bit I/O ( input/output ) card ca n't be fitted in the 8-bit slot because it 's too short and the parallel port socket would foul the CMOS battery .
13 The participative nature of Pilkingtons ' job analysis was vital in managing the change process because it ensured the practicality of work reorganization , while positive gains were made in commitment by relying on employee representatives .
14 We could have done this without the Support Force but it would have taken longer to do . ’
15 This is true for all points above the LM curve and it similarly follows that upward pressure will be exerted on interest rates at all points below the LM curve .
16 ‘ If this judgment is less helpful than the parties hoped , as it almost certainly is , the reason lies in the terms of the statute , which places the discretion so unequivocally on the trial judge that it leaves little or no room for an appellate court to lay down principles or even guidelines .
17 Capacitor C1 will only fit to the board layout if it is the type specified in the parts list .
18 Similarly , I remember peering through the expanded grille they drew across the cinema entrance when it was closed .
19 Into this somewhat bizarre plot , Hopper built in his odd interjections designed to remind the cinema audience that it was only a movie they were watching , that nothing was real .
20 Behind it all is the Whitehall attitude that it knows better than Brussels .
21 It is one of the unhappy paradoxes of the Whitehall market-place that it reacts to the goad of strong , abrasive ministers like Duncan Sandys , whose revolutionary ideas it detests , and yet is slow to implement the more balanced , evolutionary policies of a Harold Watkinson , for which it craves .
22 Her article in the Mail on Sunday was seriously prejudicial to the burglary charge but it was not a contempt .
23 Opponents to the technique claim that it can be dangerous , and poultry industry representatives are themselves cautious of adopting it .
24 Only facility IN answer to the letter from F. Kid ( May 26 ) regarding the closure of the William Roberts Centre , Norris Green , the people of this area are intent on fighting for the William Roberts because it is the only recreational facility that the area has .
25 For many people there is an aura of mystery about dealing on the money markets but it just involves picking up a telephone , ringing two or three numbers , asking the price of something ( the interest or discount rate ) , and buying from the cheapest source .
26 ( The purchase of Treasury bills takes money out of the money markets as it flows to the government , therefore sales of Treasury bills during a shortage creates a greater shortage .
27 The government may , for example , specify a target rate of growth for the money supply and it will then be the Bank of England 's responsibility to achieve that target .
28 If the government borrows but does not spend the proceeds , what effect will this have on the money supply if it borrows from ( a ) the banking sector ; ( b ) the non-bank private sector ?
29 De la Mare felt Limb could not be received because it was British policy to sustain the Moscow agreement and it would be difficult to see the representative of a leading opponent of the government .
30 When Uncle Vernon was a boy a Catholic had let off a firework in the path of the brewery dray-horse and it had lumbered sideways , the streamers of orange paper fluttering from its bridle rein and drifting to the kerb .
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