Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] him [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He got the porter to buy him aftershave , but they did n't sell his musky expensive brand in Perth so he had to make do with a cheaper one from the tourist shop .
2 The artillery Colonel asked for permission to return the fire , but the Prince ordered him to wait till the enemy infantry was in sight .
3 The abruptness of the change made him shudder .
4 The landlord , who felt that the explanation — indeed , to all intents and purposes , the apology — he had made for his wife was more than enough to compensate for any gentlemanly inconvenience , was about to get back to his work in the fields when his visitor 's too casually direct questions about the mines charged him to stay .
5 The man who , up to then , had experienced 18 years as a player at the highest level revealed how the sack made him determined to prove he had not suddenly become second rate .
6 In what can only be regarded as the ultimate pilot 's ‘ Jim 'll fix it ’ fantasy come true , he persuaded the RAF to let him go through key parts of the four-year course that ends with a posting to an operational fighter squadron .
7 Yet she had n't the heart to forbid him to smoke when he had so few comforts left .
8 Joseph could see tufts of grizzled hair protruding from beneath the sweat-soaked turban wrapped around the head of his aged coolie and he did n't have the heart to order him to gallop .
9 If one quarter , in value , of the creditors request him to convene a meeting to appoint a new trustee , he must do so ( s 300(3) ) .
10 The smell accompanying him suggested he 'd brought fresh coffee beans .
11 The deputies ordered him to do so by July .
12 It can not be doubted that the constable was ‘ on duty ’ when he stopped the cyclist , and he was no doubt under some sort of obligation to stop the cyclist to enable him to bring the defendant before the court ultimately .
13 ‘ It must have taken a lot of practice to become so fluent , ’ she called down the hatch to let him know she was back .
14 Gould received an official apology from West Midlands police yesterday over their part in the decision to force him to stay away from the Cup replay , but he may still take legal action .
15 And the prospect of the buyer forced him to concentrate .
16 Where customary , the seller must give sufficient information to the buyer to enable him to insure the goods whilst in transit by sea , section 32(3) .
17 The seller will normally send by air to the buyer some documents : one will be the bill of lading transferred to the buyer to enable him to collect the goods at their port of destination ; another will be a bill of exchange which the buyer will normally sign and return thereby undertaking to pay for the goods on the date specified on the bill of exchange .
18 But Palmer 's connection with the Union enabled him to build up a link with leaders of the advanced wing of the high church party .
19 The place where that service was performed was the place where the sub-licensee did what the grant enabled him to do without being stopped by the taxpayer .
20 Enough of him had , however , remained in the present to enable him to present a powerful case for the area 's preservation and to prophesy that the objectors would win .
21 The court heard how he intended to use the drug to help him relax while filming for HTV in South Wales .
22 He raised his hands in the boxer 's victory salute to acknowledge the roar of applause from the cheerleaders that began as soon as the eulogy to announce him had ended .
23 This DC is the authority given by LIFESPAN to the user to allow him to update the new package .
24 The stranger asked him to promise one thing : ‘ Do n't stay in the job for more than ten years , because you 'll get stale .
25 The man who 'd taken a photograph of the bus asked if he might photograph the old people also , and the bus-driver told him to wait a minute .
26 From that it was just a short step to encouraging the animals to help him hunt , no doubt a piece of teamwork from which both benefited .
27 The yellow nylon shirt with the frothy frill amounts to an offence against taste bordering on the criminal , yet it somehow works to offset his complexion ( pale blue ) and the ensemble enables him to come on like a chat-show host from Hell — vast smiles and arms flung out in gestures of mock formality .
28 The Director of the Serious Fraud Office formed the opinion that the matter was appropriate for investigation by procedures under the Criminal Justice Act 1987and on 24 June served a notice on the applicant requiring him to attend for interview at her offices and answer questions or otherwise furnish information .
29 Mr Honecker is up a pole and all the ladders offered him to climb down would be an admission of failure .
30 The man chuckled and the action caused him to start coughing .
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