Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Though expensive and time-consuming , the change cut the time needed for the project from three or four years to two .
2 To give a full description of even a simple evening out at the theatre could cover numerous pages , and it is unlikely that the writer has the time or wish to do this .
3 When the chart specifies a time outbound such as the 3 minutes on the adjoining pattern , such time is meaningless unless allied with a specific speed to produce a specific distance .
4 A predator dashing in for the kill has no time to assess the minute details of the eyes to detect whether they are real or false .
5 Additionally , less electricity is used and the chef wastes no time waiting for the correct temperature to be reached .
6 But when Edinburgh University 's Professor David Wood-Gush and colleagues released factory-raised pigs into a semi-wild environment on the Pentland Hills , the animals lost no time in gathering twigs , grass and branches to build communal nests in which to sleep .
7 The Figure shows the time courses of syn-PLA2 , cat-PLA2 , and pan-PLA2 in serum samples from patients with oedematous or necrotising episodes of acute pancreatitis .
8 The car faded every time I lifted my foot .
9 This partly explains why the review took the time it did , since the computer can spend nearly four days running a full set of figures .
10 Did the authors record the time of uterine contraction after delivery and , if so , was there any relation to neonatal outcome ?
11 Unfortunately , the invitation came only a few days before the weekend fixed for the competition , giving the Ayrshire team no time at all to train .
12 The administration lost no time in trying to regain the initiative for the United States .
13 I was n't naive enough to expect the goodies to win every time , but over the long-haul , and certainly in the last reel , I sort of weakly , vaguely , wetly assumed that things would come right .
14 think the Council had a time meeting to actually discuss that report with , with
15 The warden had no time for niceties .
16 Yet we must be cautious in viewing the Japanese farmer as being on the losing end every time .
17 It was all so sudden that the universe had no time to lose the smoothness it had when it was the size of an atom .
18 Or the little portable sundials which shepherds used to carry up into the mountains to tell the time by ; or , a last reassuringly bucolic reminder that Bayonne 's fighting days are over , an English bayonet from the Napoleonic wars converted for stripping corn-cobs .
19 The Normans lasted no time at all !
20 The read-out includes the time of entry , user identification and method of entry , for example , keycard or emergency metal key .
21 These star charts were provided to enable the deceased to tell the time of night or the date in the calendar .
22 If you review cases manually date-stamp the outside of the file cover every time a review takes place .
23 If you have manual time recording then you will need to complete a list on the file showing the time and activity code which can then be used as your billing guide .
24 The generation gap makes it difficult , at my age , to find the generosity to devote the time and effort required to figure out what the bright young things are up to .
25 But the Collector had no time to worry about the locomotion of corpses ; this doorway had to be held until the defenders on the other side of the staircase had made good their retreat .
26 It is also worth noting that there are several teaching points that could usefully be made at a draft stage in Thomas 's work , notably the need to review the time sequence of the verbs in the penultimate sentence .
27 The Galks saw the time traveller , lowered themselves on to all fours , and bounded across the desert .
28 She gave a quick glance at her watch , put on an hour on the ferry to accommodate the time change , and saw that it had gone six , and that , apart for a stop for petrol and a brief stop in Aachen for a cup of coffee , she had been driving more or less continuously since just after nine that morning .
29 But the Ahlbergs have no time for literal interpretations of their work .
30 However , subject to the power of the court to extend the time under s 376 , no application to reverse or vary the decision of the trustee rejecting a proof will be entertained unless notice of the application is given before the expiration of twenty-one days from the date of service of the notice of rejection ( r 6.105 ) .
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