Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] [pron] an " in BNC.

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1 I read the Blues Brothers review and the soundtrack gave me an idea : why not have a soundtrack chart in ZZAP ! ?
2 ‘ She always says the crossing gives her an opportunity to relax and study her scripts . ’
3 A brief greatness was now conferred on the place , when the Popes found it an island refuge in their struggle against the Empire : Count Pierre of Melgueil bestowed the county and bishopric on SS Peter and Paul and Pop Gregory VII in 1085 , Pope Urban II graciously granted it back as a fief for a mere annual ounce of gold , and in 1096 , on a visit , astonishingly declared the church ‘ second after that of Rome ’ , with arms of the two
4 How can a demoralised off-licence manager work up the enthusiasm to sell what an increasingly adventurous customer has no desire to buy ?
5 Well this would be the ideal opportunity to look at that because obviously planning now for the future gives you an opportunity just as you 've done with your maxi-endowment
6 They claimed that drinking the tea gave them an intense , trip-like experience .
7 In his words , he ‘ sold ’ himself to the Norwich City Football Club , persistently going to the training ground when aged 14 and 15 , until the club offered him an apprentice 's contract .
8 The cold cost him an arm and a leg , badly amputated by Würstchen , who had employed a rough-hewn rock to sever nerve , sinew and bone .
9 The girl gave him an undisclosed amount of cash and he hurried out .
10 The girl gave him an undisclosed amount of cash and he hurried out .
11 The guard found him an empty compartment and locked the door .
12 If the rat does not run when given some signal ( such as a light coming on ) , the experimenter gives it an electric shock .
13 He was only eight when Bruce Lee , whose 1973 film Enter the Dragon made him an international star , died mysteriously aged 32 .
14 The bachelor gave them an angry look .
15 For example , the Act makes it an offence to engage in sexual contact or penetration in circumstances in which the actor causes personal injury to the victim and force or coercion is used to accomplish the contact or penetration .
16 The Act makes it an absolute offence for a shopkeeper to sell cigarettes or any other tobacco product to young people .
17 ‘ Poor Mangan , ’ Father Poole would sigh , ‘ the street-arabs gave him an awful time — and I was one of them , God forgive me . ’
18 I wanted to have a go but being not yet seven was refused , however the sideshow gave me an idea .
19 Part of the mystique associated with a mature instrument is how the years give it an individuality and a sonic thumbprint of its own , and it 's still very early days for this one .
20 The speed of access combined with precision of access to any part of the disc makes it an important development for educational users of video .
21 If it is the first flight of the day for you , then it should always be the aim to make it an accurate spot landing .
22 This book should help , and the lively and accessible text written by the curators makes it an interesting read .
23 If for any reason we are unable to send you the watches , we reserve the right to offer you an item of equivalent value .
24 Lord Hailsham along with Edward Heath poured millions of pounds into the town making it an industrial centre .
25 The rain brings him an end-of-time vision , solitary as his sense of humour , of flooding cellars and emerging rats .
26 Whipped Cream are Scandinavian but even the odd accent does n't drag this version far enough from the original to make it an interpretation rather than a facsimile .
27 The knowledge gave her an inexplicably profound satisfaction .
28 She was only sorry that the brief formal note which had arrived from the Palazzo granting her an interview of no more than ninety minutes ' duration had stipulated that photographs would not be permitted .
29 No I 'm not : first I 'm going to wander round Bristol and try and get myself a job , then I 'm going to persuade the manager to give me an advance of a few pounds so I can get myself something to eat and find somewhere to stay .
30 ‘ I have only just begun discussions with Celtic over renewing my contract and it has not got to the stage of the manager making me an offer , ’ said the player whose ability to impose himself on the opposition might be thought worthy of international recognition .
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