Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [Wh det] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But it was the Whigs who won the general election ; and they returned to office committed to parliamentary reform , the measure which for all the variety of the causes of social unrest and of the disorders they prompted , came increasingly to be the focus of the general demand for change .
2 Gradually I get out of the unscientific habit of trying to read other people 's faces , and come to see the bodies from which personality has faded as the automata which for scientific explanation they already are .
3 Until the sixties the headquarters of the Legion had been at Side Bel Abbe s in Algeria , the country which for 150 years had been the Legion 's home .
4 Instead of being perceived simply as agents of the shareholders the board of directors came to be viewed as an organ of the company which for many purposes could be treated as the company .
5 It may be that learners have internalized aspects of the system which for one reason or another they can not access on particular occasions , that circumstances of different kinds prevent them from acting on this knowledge .
6 On the facts which for present purposes must be assumed , the child was born with injuries caused by the act or neglect of the defendant in the driving of his car .
7 On the facts which for present purposes must be assumed , the child was born with injuries caused by the act or neglect of the defendant in the driving of his car .
8 Thus , a story which for one reason had been meaningful to her as a young child provided guidance for her at adolescence for quite a different reason .
9 As he had said in a lecture delivered in Dublin in 1936 , ‘ I have myself no capacity whatever for abstract thought or indeed for any sort of thinking ’ ( the Southern Review , October 1985 ) .
10 J. M. Lee in his essay ‘ Modern Stamford ’ published in The Making of Stamford says , ‘ A real university , if it came , would at least release Stamford from a fate which for such a long time remained a burden upon its political development , that the borough , as the guide books would say ‘ is only of historical interest .
11 Thiercelin 's misgivings soon resolved into the sick certainty of a failure which for all he knew could already have cost another life .
12 There can in this view be no room whatsoever for any separate or even semi-independent perspectives .
13 There is no place whatsoever for other gods .
14 That Shelford has a few doubters to disprove is cold comfort to Cardiff , who have had an unconvincing start to the season and whose main hope is to catch the tourists either cold or rusty after a lay-off which for most has lasted all of a fortnight .
15 ‘ But there is no need whatever for this to mean recession , providing business and industry keep a firm control of their costs , including wage costs in particular .
16 The second half of the book shows that this is also so for the State , a concept which for many , especially Hegel , was no less holy and fundamental than the family .
17 Second , he assumes that the natural level of output grows at a rate which for any individual country is a constant over time but which may differ between countries .
18 In common with the dependentistas the NIDL theorists see no prospects whatsoever for any genuine Third World development in these changes in global capitalist strategies .
19 The struggle over Machault 's proposals was fought with a bitterness which for several years partially paralysed the workings of government and led to widespread speculations of imminent revolution .
20 Full cancellation charges will apply and we will be under no obligation whatsoever for any refund , compensation or costs you may incur .
21 The growth of the industrial proletariat convinced him that state education for all was essential , though in 1809 he asked : ‘ What can you expect of national education conducted by a government which for twenty years resisted the abolition of the Slave Trade ? ’
22 In 1977 yet another alibi witness surfaced , one Richard Hurn , who knew nothing of the case or of McMahon 's imprisonment but told a friend that he remembered seeing McMahon in London on the afternoon of the murder , a date which for other reasons he had cause to remember .
23 The curtain rose disclosing a set which for strident artificiality compared favourably with the train display in the toy shop .
24 One can only ponder at the ethics of an industry which for thirty years slaughtered dolphins in their millions for the sake of saving 2 cents per can , and then requires an ‘ epic ’ debate to change its source of supply .
25 The vote had the effect of removing from the top of the political agenda , if only temporarily , an issue which for many months had caused divisive debate in the country at large , and had threatened to overshadow Pope John Paul II 's visit to his homeland , due in June .
26 Large industrial and business concerns provide many places for Arts graduates — an expression which for this purpose includes law graduates .
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