Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [that] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The principal drawback with ATNs is the complexity that arises when a system becomes large .
2 Yes sir , er ever since P P G three was revised at the beginning of last year , I believe that the department has been moving steadily in the direction that indicated but certainly my brief here is quite specific .
3 From a wider perspective , the restless tides that govern world trade and industry make plant closures as well as new plant openings inevitable and healthy , and only the neanderthals that believe that it is management 's function to provide jobs for life , and the workers ' function to make management 's life as hard as possible would argue otherwise .
4 Pursuing , perhaps riskily , a computer analogy we can argue that while the body resembles the hardware of a computer the mind comprises the software , the programmes that analyse and organize information to produce responses to inputs .
5 The method of analysis of covariance was used to take into account the small , random differences in severity of disease between treatment groups at the commencement of the trial that arise when random allocation is used .
6 Now if you violate any of the assumptions ordinary squares , right , then the procedure will produce or may produce misleading results , we can only be confident in statistical terms about ordinary leased squares parameters , right , because we know and show in theory that they hold providing a number of assumptions are met , like you have serially uncorrelated errors , right , we do n't have m multi co-linearity amongst the regresses , right , we have constant variance throughout the sample now if any of those er assumptions are breached , violated then our , any statistical results that are generated from erm the technique that assumes that those assumptions have n't been breached erm are invalidated and we can get very misleading er parameter estimates , right , in the presence of auto correlation or multi-linearity erm .
7 ‘ They have been tapping the money that Place and Egan left with them for safety .
8 Farms and outbuildings stood out grey-white against the green of the fields and the darker green of the hedges that parcelled and patched the land .
9 C. G. Jung was well aware of this , and in his book The Psychology of the Transference warns of the dangers that lurk when the mind of the psychologist opens to that of the patient .
10 ‘ This underlines the dangers that exist when people carry knives .
11 It is obviously the case that showing that something is inevitable is not the same as showing that it is necessary for health and survival .
12 There is an increasing discrimination on my view because of the racism that exists as well as the sexism that exists within our society , and when you say why do n't women do more , the odds against women , particularly black or working class women , are very heavy .
13 A cynic might define education as the notes that survive after you pass ( or fail ) your exams .
14 Add proposed record spending levels on research and development , infrastructure , education , enterprise zones and job training , as well as real estate and profamily incentives , and there may well be good reason to fear that the overall budget deficit may be the constraint that yields if spending cuts ca n't be found to finance all of these initiatives .
15 Of all the groups that thought that Mr Clinton was their man , three are most important .
16 To understand it we shall need to know the special characteristics of the groups that create and use it . ’
17 We begin work feeling that certain codes of dress and conduct are acceptable and within six months we have agreed with the norms that indicate that certain codes of dress and conduct are certainly not acceptable .
18 In all these solutions , the singularity that occurs when corresponds to a Cauchy horizon .
19 It is the task of Lakhdar Ibrahimi , the Arab League envoy , to struggle through a tangle of sub-issues in the hope that he can persuade the Lebanese to renegotiate France 's political legacy and the policies that began when General Henri Gouraud , who became the French high commissioner of Lebanon in 1920 , stepped ashore .
20 Though king and magnates depended ( as Chapter 2 showed ) on the labours of a vast peasant labour-force for the surpluses that sustained and funded their activities , their direct personal contact with peasants seems to have been rare , even within the lands they ruled most intensively .
21 And the hair that looked as though it had been dramatically carved out of something shiny rather than been grown in the normal way .
22 Then gradually into the mind of the child comes the story that justifies and , still more , inspires and seems to explain those westward-pointing promontories .
23 Pores are not doors in the skin that open and close .
24 I shall discuss only one type , but I think it is fairly widespread and will probably serve as an example : the kind that arises when a population of herbivores — deer , elephants , rabbits , monkeys — begins to damage its habitat seriously by overgrazing .
25 It is useful to recall Wittgenstein in this connection : ‘ It is a help here to remember that it is a primitive reaction to tend , to treat , the part that hurts when someone else is in pain ; and not merely when oneself is ’ ( Z 540 ) .
26 So , while that sane part of her made her half turn as though to return to her bedroom , that other part of her , the part that tingled and loved him , caused her then to delay — just for a moment .
27 Triangle 123 indicates the loss that arises because individual A does not consume as much as she would choose if there were no need to compromise .
28 And then the wailing that went up and the curses that fell as the roof came off .
30 It 's best to bring an early morning , mid-flow sample with you , because the hormones that show that you are pregnant are most concentrated in your early-morning urine .
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