Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [to-vb] to term " in BNC.

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1 This 28-day programme should have given you the opportunity to come to terms with your body .
2 One way of perceiving this progression is as the struggle of the poet to come to terms with the nature of creativity , drawing on all that he sees in the imagery of lines 12–22 until the attainment of maturity in the ‘ momently ’ of line 24 , when he reaches a state of oneness with his environment and is free to channel its flow into works of art .
3 The psychologist justified his own persuasive efforts with this belief that he was actually helping the parents to come to terms with a decision ‘ they really want to make ’ .
4 And underneath the lofty claims that they were fulfilling the will of God and freeing the kingdom from oppression and tyranny , and the open attacks on the regent 's actions , there were still hints of the desire to come to terms , which reflect their awareness of how shaky the basis of their self-defence was .
5 The failure to come to terms with this task casts light on , though it does not excuse , the hectic character of the final part of Braudel 's Méditerranée : even when connections are traced between conjonctures and the actions of individuals , they tend to leave the actions heavily under-determined — so much so , in some cases , that they are barely explained at all .
6 For most students they are centred in the need to come to terms with failure .
7 It seems that the majority of those attending courses or travelling to the national parks and other environmentally sensitive areas are relatively well-off , and their parents are using adventure , or at least what is perceived as being adventure , as a kind of finishing school for the modern citizen , without taking the trouble to come to terms with the environment in which this happens .
8 When he sensed that the politicians were afraid enough of the army to come to terms with him ( as they seemed to be after learning that troops based in Algeria had seized control of the island of Corsica on 24 – 25 May ) , he flashed a red light to Algiers and moved on the political front in Paris .
9 It compelled the Church to come to terms with lay society ; to find an accommodation between its own ideals and those of the warrior aristocracy ; and so , in the end , to civilize that society , as well as , in some respects , to lower its own ideals .
10 He desperately needed to talk to me , to have me as a confessor if not to obtain my active help , but could not see the way to come to terms with me ; his need to accept was in conflict with his wish to reject .
11 Now , as we have already seen , the externalization of coercion and the failure of the ego to come to terms with its basic instinctual drives in the total state robs it of nearly all its opportunity to experience such triumphs .
12 There was no attempt to come to terms with the central issue of wage determination : an issue commented upon at the time but one whose importance was to become far clearer in hindsight to politicians and economists alike [ Meade , 1982 ] .
13 It was one hell of a thing to come to terms with . ’
14 Maria Luisa had a lot to come to terms with — ’
15 They have a lot to come to terms with , ’ he told her desolately .
16 Charitably , you might say they represent the struggle of a generation to come to terms with a responsibility and authority they would once have rejected .
17 Midlife is a time to come to terms with the past so that the future can be faced with no unfinished business to block the way ahead .
18 Fear was there , certainly , and also an inability to come to terms with what had happened , but there was something more .
19 This can also happen when a doctor experiences discomfort in the face of death , or an inability to come to terms with his own helplessness .
20 Sweeney Agonistes , as much as the later prose of Arnold , is an attempt to come to terms with this situation and to react against it .
21 Alex giggled deep down in his stomach and his arms and legs met like a soft anemone over her hand in an attempt to come to terms with it .
22 The first two can be seen as being derived from history , both shared and private , while the third is an attempt to come to terms with and respond to current realities as they are being experienced .
23 Following her death , which country did Jonathan go to with Terry in an attempt to come to terms with her death , and who did he meet there ? ( 2 points ) .
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