Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [subord] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 The investors do not perceive the warranties as providing them with a course of action , but as a way for management to confirm the business plan and the facts of the accountants ' report ; and provide as much information as possible about the business to be purchased .
2 e ) Sudden changes of pressure in the ears when clearing them , either on ascent or descent , can produce in susceptible pilots a strong feeling of disorientation , usually lasting only a few seconds .
3 A young child faced with a row of cups and a pile of saucers might have no other way of finding whether he has enough saucers to put with the cups than to match them as far as possible , one-to-one .
4 Sir Michael Clapham described the process as subjecting them to ‘ regular viva voce examination ’ .
5 The report 's recommendations are in line with the Industry 's argument that it does not make economic sense to close Britain 's nuclear power plants early and that it is far cheaper to run the stations than to close them .
6 In both cases , the companies were worried less about producing the goods than selling them .
7 I 'm sure she 'd rather share the spoils than lose them altogether . ’
8 Far better to draw them into the school to nip things in the bud than leave them to ferment discontent .
9 The individualist interest is served by the assumption that people see the constraints as binding them and act accordingly .
10 It 's better to feed and clothe and house the masses than to let them rot .
11 The only principle abandoned in 1857 was the propriety of making legal remedies for marriage difficulties available for the aristocracy while withholding them from the growing upper middle class .
12 One should always face the students when addressing them .
13 In recent years this department has been busier repaying savings to the public than attracting them .
14 She is , of course , renowned for her critical essays punctuated with cusses on the male of the species and does n't spare the blushes or the punches when exposing them to ridicule .
15 I 'd like to meet the chap as set them tombstones round the wall .
16 ‘ The central issue raised on this aspect of the appeal is whether there is any evidence upon which the judge could find that the plaintiffs behaved in a manner in relation to the conduct of the son as to make them liable to suffer financial loss resulting from the equitable relief sought by the defendants .
17 I think today that if someone was designing a house one would incorporate all the modern additions which have suddenly become fashionable such as double porches , doubleglazing and er patio windows , I think that these things are perhaps a development from , in the same way as this house is a development from the rooms and the flats we lived in in London so that the modern conceptions of the things I 've mentioned could be incorporated as normal in the house certainly would be cheaper to incorporate them when building the house than adding them on .
18 If they are the only witness to deal with a vital issue then you will have no alternative but to call them .
19 The other thing I mean to be healthy it 's more important to dry things and keep them dry for a while than to boil them .
20 The archbishop of Canterbury was convinced , however , and the English bishops acquiesced , leaving Henry no choice but to support them as he had promised .
21 They just behave like absolute pricks so that the ladies have no choice but to drop them if they have any self-respect .
22 But our focus is primarily upon people , not places as such ; the male survivors of the next generation of Titfords succeeded in wrenching themselves away from the town which had been home for their ancestors for over a hundred and seventy years — and we have no choice but to follow them .
23 Many of them never wanted to lend overseas in the first place , but were forced into it by the internationalization of American commerce ; as their local clientele expanded into foreign trade , they had no choice but to follow them or lose the business to the money-center banks .
24 Then Judge Shindler called back the 11 other jurors and said he had no choice but to discharge them too and order a retrial .
25 When pressing flowers from an arrangement , only choose the best specimens and carefully pack them in a box if taking them home .
26 " Your Memorialists would be glad if the School could be placed in such a position as to enable them to send their children to it with a reasonable expectation that their manners would not be corrupted by the admission of a class of boys more fitted for National Schools than Grammar Schools .
27 While an acquittal does not falsify police results , may we not regard a conviction as verifying them ?
28 Given the way that business is suffering under the policies and decisions of this Government , and especially the policies of the Prime Minister , does the Minister recognise that he has a responsibility to ask his officials to deal with businesses in such a way as to enable them , wherever possible , to retain jobs and to keep their businesses going ?
29 Thirdly , it is also possible that the advances in birth control operating within the climate of an ‘ acquisitive society ’ might well have permitted couples to plan their family lives in such a way as to allow them to enjoy the consumer benefits of society .
30 The problem of morality is therefore above all a problem of organization ; we have to reconcile our conflicting impulses with one another , in such a way as to allow them collectively the greatest possible degree of satisfaction .
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