Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb mod] [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In a rape case the typical defence argument is that the woman consented to intercourse , while in sex murder the defence may be that she provoked him .
2 To take a somewhat unlikely example , if application were made to the Secretary of State for an order under this procedure to give planning permission for a single project the response would be that there is a complete planning code of public legislation to cover that requirement , and in the absence of exceptional circumstances recourse should be had to that code .
3 One disadvantage of the change might be that the more precise moral distinctions currently incorporated within the law would become submerged within the sentencing discretion , where the signposts are less clear and the arguments less structured .
4 Indeed , as members shuffle in to vote on this issue vital to Mr Major 's survival , the suspense will be as killing as in any Indiana Jones movie .
5 I do n't know how you 're going to get it , but you know how deep the shit will be if you do n't produce at least a hundred thousand pounds … ’
6 Indeed the Court of Appeal has strongly disapproved of judges telling a defendant what the sentence would be if he were to plead guilty .
7 Now the system at the moment seems to be er suggested by the government that V A T should go up and those that really need the money will be if not wholly , mainly compensated , they will of course get another rise if the cost of living goes up because their pensions will go up .
8 and er I 'm sure John will have told you how good the money can be if if we
9 The misspelling may be because the child has not previously seen the word written down , but more likely because he has seen it in the context of his reading , without paying much attention to anything more than its contour — that is , he has recognised the word without having to decode it , and has understood it without giving its spelling structure close attention .
10 Sub-section ( 4 ) provided that the power to re-hear should be exercisable only within 28 days of the order/sentence/finding of guilt as the case may be and only by a court constituted in the same manner as that which made the earlier decision .
11 Actually , Ruby was considering how well publicized her intervention in the case would be if she were to work from the Post newsroom .
12 The advantage would be that ministers and civil servants would not be involved in day-to-day management .
13 The advantage would be that the law would move closer towards proportionality based on degree of harm and degree of risk , untrammelled by conventional views of what does and what does not count as ‘ crime ’ .
14 The advantage would be that students could transfer between colleges .
15 This indicates that if the court 's desire is to protect the public from persons who take vehicles without the owner 's consent , that is by a sense of general deterrence , then this particular criterion of the Criminal Justice Act will not be applicable The question posed for the courts must be whether taking a vehicle without consent can ever , as an individual offence , be so serious that a non-custodial sentence can not be considered .
16 The preferences of those who believed that one candidate was going to win would be compared with those who believed that the rival was going to win ; the hypothesis would be that the former would be more sympathetic to the candidate than the latter .
17 He said : ‘ Middlesbrough has unusually poor health and one of the reasons could be that some of the people are socially and economically deprived . ’
18 Alejandro was so staggered by Fantasma 's progress that he decided to waive his prejudice against greys ; not so much that he was prepared to get on her back , but he spent a considerable time wondering how he could flog Fantasma to a rich patron without them finding out how vicious and unmanageable the mare could be when she was away from Luke .
19 If it were possible to unfold the entire long history of the world 's religions in such a manner that it could be scrutinised , assimilated and judged in a single all-embracing operation , the verdict would be that it had strayed so far from the basic human need , and so far from the intentions of those good and sincere people who have throughout that history struggled to maintain its integrity , that it might well be condemned outright as a story of failure unmatched by anything else that has ever happened on earth .
20 The era of the Prison Commission was by no means the golden age that nostalgia sometimes portrayed it to have been , but the verdict must be that its abolition magnified rather than minimized the deepening crisis into which the Prison Service was falling .
21 When a problem develops , the hope will be that the client will be able to resolve it by discussion with the solicitor or other person dealing with his case ( whose identity and status must have been disclosed upon acceptance of instructions ) .
22 The hope must be that both bodies have emerged from the fire hardened in their dealings with other regulatory bodies on behalf of the City and the country .
23 But Birmingham Labour MP Robin Corbett said : ‘ The hope must be that the police have now been able to find something that will help identify the real culprits . ’
24 They have done that before , and the hope must be that they will do it again .
25 Thus , part of the story must be that the name/noun contrast puts the two individuals in different roles with respect to situation , with the asymmetry resulting from the thematic subject component .
26 Purely from a financial perspective , have you any idea how much more valuable the cottage will be when it 's known to be one of Piers 's creations ? ’
27 ‘ The major benefit of the budget will be if it improves confidence .
28 To build up a more stable relationship , rather than simply seeing how much time the work took and charging by the hour , we have all had to come to terms with pricing in a market , giving a clear idea what the budget will be and taking much more care to explain what we 're charging for .
29 A typical entry in the glossary may be as follows : By far the most common method of note-making involves the arrangement of information and ideas in a linear form ( my notes here , for instance ! ) .
30 The consequence of this for the curriculum must be that within all subject areas both aspects must be attended to .
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