Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb base] be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Welcome back to the Three Counties Show at Malvern , where the weather has been kind , and the crowds have been flocking in .
2 The Becks have been digging up and potting plants for months now .
3 Erm I I 've done a lot of listening this evening er and I 'm sure you have too from from the way in which the the rest of the board have been responding er with there eyes and ears even if they have n't always been open .
4 The triplets have been coming in here .
5 The discussions have been taking place for such a long time that I rather got used to the idea that I should be leaving .
6 Mid you , The Shamen have been blurring boundaries ever since they arrived from out of nowhere , with an interesting selection of LSD tabs in one hand and well-thumbed copy of Lenin Plays Psychedelia ( sadly , now out of stock ) in the other .
7 Mid you , The Shamen have been blurring boundaries ever since they arrived from out of nowhere , with an interesting selection of LSD tabs in one hand and well-thumbed copy of Lenin Plays Psychedelia ( sadly , now out of stock ) in the other .
8 Partly it is because the courts have been dealing with greater numbers of offenders .
9 The legislative purpose of the Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 1974 , said Lord Scarman , was ‘ to sweep away not only the structure of industrial relations created by the Industrial Relations Act 1971 , which it was passed to repeal , but also the restraints of judicial review which the courts have been fashioning one way or another since the enactment of the Trade Disputes Act 1906 …
10 A large number of the part-timers have been reporting for duty for the entire twenty years of the Ulster Defence Regiment 's existence .
11 The hills around the city are held by Serbian forces , and the Hercules have been using a special steep landing technique , to keep them out of range of the rebel guns until the very last minute .
12 The birds , the birds have been eating that .
13 The birds have been breeding in the Arctic regions of Greenland , Iceland , Scandinavia and Russia and travel south to over winter in Britain .
14 And ever since the birds have been coming to overwinter at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust in Slimbridge .
15 The Economist of March 3 , 1990 , commented that " the revolution in Eastern Europe has robbed the only avowedly Marxist Arab state of its support and its ideological lodestone " , that " Czech and East German advisers are leaving in droves " and that " the Russians have been disengaging " and had reportedly closed their military bases .
16 The vacancies have been appearing on the notice board .
17 Thus , the legislation was extended to prohibit a supplier from imposing any contractual requirement upon a reseller to maintain prices , or from refusing to supply resellers where the basis for such refusal is that the resellers have been cutting prices .
18 while the cyclists have been putting their feet up there 's been no rest day for other sports … here 's our round-up of the weekend 's winners and losers
19 The researchers have been working in this area and have produced a new kind of geometric structure which is particularly appropriate to use in statistical theory .
20 Plus this means that the strike committee can go public with it 's grievances , and in the past few days , the farmers and the authorities have been debating the issues on local television .
21 The authorities have been grappling with the problem for a decade , but still the cars choke the cobbled streets .
22 This idea of a running commentary is shown on pg 59 where he tells the reader what various characters of the play have been doing that day .
23 Yes the districts have been working on the basis that I twelve is an additional provision to I five .
24 The animals have been recovering at a wildlife sanctuary , and are now well enough to be moved into a purpose built set .
25 Pensioners at the complex have been collecting money to help the town 's hospice appeal for the last two years .
26 The hens have been doing frightfully well .
27 The gangs have been going 23 years .
28 ‘ Do n't you fucking well know that the enemy have been mortaring the village green for the past four or five minutes while you have been playing those fucking bagpipes ? ’
29 The fans have been wanting a new face up front because of our recent goal drought .
30 The clergy have been visiting her … ’
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