Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [coord] leave [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You will then be visited about every five days by a nurse who collects the milk and leaves you with a fresh supply of bottles .
2 ‘ I have always gotten the sense that museums , which are very active in lobbying us for money , take the essential position : ‘ Give us the money and leave us alone ’ ’ , Brodsky announced at a hearing last week .
3 If the glimpse of one more picture could turn the scales and leave them steady , that is a proof that the traveller is a very sensitive instrument indeed .
4 He had decided to do nothing further for the present and leave it to Berowne to make the first move .
5 ‘ They gave us a key for the apartment and left us to it .
6 Theda took Hector to the kitchen and left him with Mrs Elswick to do what he might in the way of cajolery , for she had several morsels of interest to his ever ready stomach , and Theda was obviously not going to take him outside .
7 ‘ I took the canoe and left him there . ’
8 When we got outside , I was n't sure whether to shut the door on the latch or leave it ajar for the nurse .
9 These nourish the hair and leave it soft and healthy .
10 Marriage breakdowns — if your partner has been paying the rent and leaves you , you may still be protected from eviction ; a solicitor will help .
11 Anne came back with cigarettes and chocolate and magazines and said goodbye to Terry , then she said she would wait for Sarah at the entrance and left them together .
12 ‘ Some lead such active lives that we found it difficult to arrange a time for interview , while others are so isolated and lonely that our interviewers felt guilty about terminating the interview and leaving them to themselves . ’
13 They then bundled him out of the car and left him on the road .
14 They took the keys and the car and left me stranded . ’
15 They put the stranger down on the outskirts and left him standing in the middle of the road , his face in shadow under his cap and just a glimmer of those white , pebbly eyes .
16 Er , it 's page sixty-one and it 's it 's title is : Scientific Research , the Whole Truth , er and if you like I will draw the points out of the study and leave you to comment where there questions and where there are n't any questions to interject any comments that you feel appropriate .
17 The only thing that distinguishes the Dallams from the vulgar , upstart herd of Braithwaites and Colcloughs and the rest is that John-William Dallam had the imagination to buy the manor and leave it relatively unscathed .
18 ‘ And now it is gone , all gone … the communists have thrown in the sponge and left us bouncing around in the ring looking for an opponent .
19 Marjorie laughed , and though she was very kind , washing the lettuce and leaving it ready in the colander and telling her how to cook the asparagus and make a butter sauce , Emmie felt humiliated .
20 Not only is it more convenient to pick up the ‘ phone and make contact , you are also more likely to succeed since few people are able to ignore the telephone and leave it unanswered .
21 Jay had never been promiscuous after the fuck'em and leave 'em college years , and now , after five years of no sex except occasional pleasant nights with ex-lovers , her newly spare body thrilled with anticipation .
22 PEEL the potatoes and leave them covered in water in a cool place .
23 Then they drifted back into the pub and left me standing alone .
24 Do n't go off to the sun and leave it parked in the street .
25 The Brigantes had held it once , against the Romans , but they had retreated to the mountains and left it to gorse and the bracken .
26 She admitted it but that was , she had drunk more than her share , that was , it was not to be taken seriously , there were , she could n't even remember saying it , it could have been him , he was drunk was n't he , misunderstanding or even making it up , after all he had done it , not her , he had taken the boy to London , she was asleep , did n't even hear them go , he had taken the boy and left him there , OK , lost him there , easy to do in London but better find him or all hell would break loose and she was not going to carry the can , not for anybody .
27 Er and when nobody is there I ca n't just put a tape machine on the desk and leave it running !
28 It was a 3-iron approach from 214 yards which hit the flag and left him a putt of only two feet .
29 The tone control has the ability to do exactly what you 'd expect , thickening the sound or leaving it open and bright .
30 This route begins from Glen Nevis and you can take your car up to the head of the Glen and leave it in a packed car park , if you can find a space between the ice-cream vans and hot-dog vendors .
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