Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb pp] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The programmes undertaken are of two main types , the one country-specific , the other regional in emphasis .
2 This covers sales to the fields of business , industry , and education and training organisations , and many of the programmes sold are in the science documentary area .
3 In the rumen , H 2 is consumed by methanogenic bacteria and similarly , in methanogenic human subjects , 75% of the hydrogen excreted is as methane .
4 In terms of Oriental changelessness , the contrast implied is with western progressivism : the key value that has ensured science , technology , world leadership , imperialism , and the achievements of a materialistic civilisation .
5 The contrast implied is of course with legacies ( and perhaps institution as heir ) .
6 But the skills involved are at least equalled by those lavished on some of the base metal objects , such as the iron sword with its complex design of pattern welding ( see p. 88 ) and the intricately cast and decorated escutcheons on the hanging bowls .
7 The court must find out whether the payment stipulated is in truth a penalty or liquidated damages …
8 One method which has previously been tried , albeit unsuccessfully , seeks to invoke principles of international law that would allegedly relieve taxpayers from their liability to pay tax on the ground that their assessments are rendered invalid by the unlawful purposes to which the taxes levied are to be applied .
9 The country where the loss occurred is within the territorial limits covered under the policy .
10 Because the calories consumed are in the form of particularly bulky , filling and satisfying food your appetite will not be sharpened nor your willpower lowered by actual physical hunger .
11 When the signals involved are of low-enough frequency for reactive and other frequency-dependent effects to be negligible , the Z-parameters are given by the slopes of appropriate static characteristics at the operating bias levels .
12 The entire replica fleet aboard the carrier flown was from the deck into the rising sun of the east in some of the most visually stunning scenes of the film .
13 The European Commission has decided that the state aid offered to Digital Equipment Corp at its Scottish plant in Ayr conforms with Community rules , the Irish Department of Enterprise & Employment has had to admit : in a letter to the department , Brussels said ‘ The Commission , with regard to information provided by the UK authorities , considers the regional aid granted to the Ayr plant is in conformity with Community rules and the aid received is within the limits approved by the Commission for this region ’ ; the Irish government had asked for a review of state aid to DEC after it decided to transfer some operations from Galway to Ayr .
14 Some of the solutions adopted are of an intricacy that to a British observer seems almost unbelievable .
15 Landlord might be at risk financially , the subtenancy proposed being at a premium and a low rent .
16 The data prepared was for directories such as Crockford 's Clerical Directory and the OUP General Catalogue .
17 Anthony Scrivener referred to the Bill as unique in jurisprudence because a defendant can be guilty of the aggravated offence even though he does no other act than commit the basic offence , and the event which makes the crime aggravated is outside his or her control .
18 In situations of this sort the exchange may need special rules , or even powers , which allow it to act for reasons of market integrity alone , and in order to preserve investor confidence , regardless of whether the parties involved are at fault .
19 Mergers have a Community Dimension where : ( 1 ) The combined aggregate worldwide turnover of all the parties involved is at least 5,000,000,000 ( 5 billion ) ECU .
20 This observation is necessary not because the lines quoted are of great importance to her poetry , but to give a balanced view of her own conflicts as a domestic servant .
21 The first part of the dream involved being in a room talking to some friends .
22 Although an attempt was made to be representative in the choice of these films it is clear that if the effects observed are of any practical significance it should be possible to observe them on a more varied stimulus set .
23 In Dicey & Morris , The Conflict of Laws , 11th ed. ( 1987 ) , vol. 2 , pp. 1110–1111 , the test propounded is of residence at the time the other party received the payment .
24 The equipment listed is for 26 windsurfer guests in 1989 .
25 The equipment listed is for 50 windsurf guests in 1990 , but during the year there will be updates and replacements .
26 The equipment listed is for 30 windsurf guests in 1990 , but during the year there will be some updates and replacements .
27 The equipment listed is for up to 40 windsurf guests in 1990 , but during the year there will be updates and replacements .
28 He had previously appointed me as an examining chaplain , as most of the duties involved were in connection with the ordination of European clergy .
29 This was to have been changed by clause 54(4) under which the benefit received was to be assessed at the arm 's length price which an ordinary member of the public would have paid for that service .
30 The adjustment needed is towards a partnership of fellow professionals rather than a hierarchy of expert superordinates and inexpert subordinates .
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