Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb pp] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Eliot wrote in 1916 that mythology was ‘ dangerous literary material ’ and had to be either a mythology in which the writer believed or else one in which a people had once believed .
2 There he was force-fed poppy-water , an extract of opium guaranteed to leave the drinker crippled and quite insane within the space of a few months .
3 As the artefacts and problems of the early research became apparent , and bubble scientific reputations were painfully pricked , the rush of researchers into the field ceased and then reversed .
4 for example , the earlier work of the E C Commission appeared to proceed on the untested assumption that any differences in national laws of member States within the field identified as potentially suitable for a Directive distorted the Common Market and justified the proposed Directive , without any fieldwork being undertaken to see whether there was in fact a problem .
5 However , the controversy obscured the clear military fact that Operation ‘ Apache Snow ’ was not intended to hold territory , but rather to keep the NVA occupied and thereby prevent it moving into the coastal provinces .
6 Having decided that the doctrine of automatic determination ( ie determination of a contract solely at the will of the party who was guilty of a wrongful repudiatory breach ) did not exist , even in employment contracts , Megarry V-C concluded that as the breach had not been accepted by the innocent party then the contract subsisted and therefore for the period which it had to run — circa four and a half years — the defendant was bound by its terms .
7 In September 1946 , the Secretary of State , James Byrnes , made a speech expressing America 's determination to rebuilt the economy of the American zone in Germany whether the Russians agreed or not .
8 However , the significant difference in packed cell volume between the groups remained when only those samples obtained within the first two hours were compared and also when only those obtained from the third hour onwards were compared .
9 ‘ Moreover ’ , it says , ‘ in the last recessionary cycle the peak in business failures did not occur until some 18 months after the recession ended and even then the level of insolvencies did not reduce significantly for a further years . ’
10 Realising that he was not only wasting his time until the storm abated but also endangering his life , George turned in what he hoped was the right direction for home .
11 Its wings were folded when the building collapsed and so the damage is mostly to the wing tips .
12 The bucket tilted and then , curiously slowly , fell on to its side , six inches away from the open dresser cupboard and the piles of old newspapers Emmie had tumbled out when she made the firelighters .
13 Castles and towns were still fortified but , in the later Middle Ages , as prosperity and a greater peacefulness spread to many parts of Europe , the fortification diminished and both towns and individual buildings were extended and elaborated .
14 There are many other points besides the ones on this ladder of powers , both in between the values shown and above and beneath them , but we shall rarely have any need to go beyond those shown .
15 The national priorities are predominantly concerned with the development of areas of the curriculum seen as economically useful and neither the humanities nor the arts are included in this category .
16 Is the envisaged change in the curriculum seen as educationally valuable , and are the assessments effective in producing the change ?
17 A computerised irrigation system with 750 sprinkler heads keeps the course watered and more than £750,000 was spent on landscaping .
18 This duty might vary according to the nature of the contract of employment but would be broken if the employee copied or deliberately memorized a list of customers .
19 The defendants ' case was not entirely met , however , by the interpretation of ‘ rent reserved ’ as meaning the rent agreed and not the rent actually payable .
20 In this case , women represented 7.6 per cent of the candidates proposed and only 3 per cent of those elected .
21 The recovery of the economy was already under way by the spring of 1961 , and probably owed less to the steps mentioned and more to spending on defence and space exploration .
22 Gradually , almost imperceptibly , the light strengthened and soon he could make out the shape of boats , the mexeflote causeway and the patchwork of woods and fields on the island .
23 You know they , they ran , they took the nurses , because the nurses home was a mile or , was it a mile or a mile and a half or something from the hospital , they had this , they took them in the morning and then they took them at lunchtime and then all the different shifts coming on and off they took them , and they had the schools run as well .
24 When he led her away down the back steps the Tibetan followed and so did most of the crowd .
25 I did lose weight but found that the weight returned as soon as I returned to my normal diet .
26 In some cases , the proliferation surrounded and sometimes invaded reactive B cell follicles .
27 How is the force organized and how extensive is its discretionary power ?
28 It would be desirable , therefore , to confine the conclusions to the crime investigated and generally avoid comments about competence and probity .
29 However , on the facts of the case the plaintiff 's claim failed as it had not proved : ( a ) the existence of a " maturing " business opportunity ; ( b ) that it was actively pursuing the business either when the defendant resigned or when he subsequently obtained the contracts ; or ( c ) that his resignation was prompted or influenced by the wish to acquire the benefit of the contracts for himself .
30 As soon as the hooves touched the ground the legs crumpled and carefully he rearranged them , folding them over to one side , out of the way of the body .
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