Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adv] that there " in BNC.

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1 It is therefore advisable to mount it closer to the lid of the case so that there is sufficient space for the circuit board to fit beneath it .
2 Section 677(5) is designed to afford some measure of relief where the amounts repaid are lent by the settlor to the trustees of the settlement so that there is a re-advance by the settlor .
3 It is one of the greatest tragedies of the church in the west today that there is a similar grumbling and hardening of heart , so that the word of the Lord is simply not heard ; and if heard , then it is not obeyed .
4 Her skin was sallow since the fever , and her little face was pinched with the cold so that there was nothing attractive about her .
5 There is a strong argument for extending the offence of rape to cover these other sexual indignities , or for restructuring the law so that there are degrees of sexual assault .
6 They actually set up villages , which are in erm you know usually in rural er surroundings , and erm er they have erm usually I mean they 're mentally-disabled people there , and erm er they set up the village so that there are able- bodied people in there , and yet they live with the er mentally disabled people , you know they have houses and they the erm in inverted commas normal people have erm children and all this sort of thing , erm and yet they have erm er some of these mentally defective people living with them in the house ,
7 As honourable members will recall , Sir Thomas was persuaded to this view by in part a conclusion of the treasurer and civil service select committee , that although the existing permissive nature of section forty seven had worked well it seems desirable in his words , to tighten the wording of the act so that there can be no doubt , either from the point of view of the auditor , his client or the regulator , as to the auditor 's duty to report .
8 Some parents just switch off the alarm after the initial wetting , fail to change the bed , and leave the child so that there is no real opportunity for the child to learn .
9 These are just examples of er of of of question of answers to questions Burn asks the question which I 've just asked , why then does low turn out persist , cos he 's just made the point above that there are big issues in local government .
10 Cora-Beth had told him the night before that there were letters and cards awaiting him from England , all of which had ‘ Not To Be Opened Until 5 Jan. ’ on the envelopes , so she had extracted a promise from him to leave them on his bedside table until this morning .
11 Prior to the moratorium on meetings , the committee had highlighted the following issues as meriting urgent attention : ( 1 ) the need for " more information about what other departments could get out of the resources now that there was considerable potential " ;
12 It has many advantages over the traditional ‘ Winchesters ’ with a lower centre of gravity and a carefully controlled flow of glass within the mould so that there are no weak spots or pressure-vulnerable areas .
13 With small fish tape back the corners of the bags so that there are no crannies into which the fish might wedge .
14 Madam Deputy Speaker I re read in the newspapers today that there has been s some criticism er that the matters such as this have been taken on the floor of the house .
15 Someone had been thoughtful enough to provide a felt lining to the bottom of the box so that there would be no noise from the falling coins .
16 Er Mr has mentioned the point in the report so that there 's no point in me reducing them , but we do
17 Val enjoys her work ; her husband , who is a milkman , is able to tie in his shifts with hers at the hospital so that there is always someone to look after the children .
18 Their wish to hand over control of parking supervision to the County so that there would be no direct line of responsibility for responding to residents ' complaints about parking abuse .
19 One of the worst things you can do is to invite a few friends round who then chat in the background so that there is a continuous hubbub .
20 I also told John Chaplin that I would inform the National Transportation Safety Board in Washington ( the accident investigation authority in the USA ) of the situation so that there would be no question of action being delayed because of poor communications between the UK and the USA .
21 Bit of that that we do in year ten eleven can that be transferred down the line so that there 's a similar type of thing
22 Soon the curtains were drawn by four o'clock and there were days when the mist and rain so muffled the sounds of the world outside that there was almost complete silence .
23 It is fairly clear from the discussion above that there is a potential for both publicly owned and publicly regulated concerns to perform less efficiently than public liability companies .
24 The legal model envisages the board of directors as actually carrying on the day-to-day business of the company so that there is no separate executive organ within the legal model .
25 And wherever there was a stall , inevitably the passage was blocked by the wares which spread out from it , covering the ground on all sides , stretching right across the thoroughfare so that there was indeed no thoroughfare but you had to pick your way among pots and pans , saddles , boots , baskets , melons , bales of cloth , onions , and canvases appliqúed with texts from the Koran and crude copies of the tomb-paintings of the Pharaohs .
26 You can ease the problem though — ensure that the fly and inner are not touching anywhere , then try repositioning the fly so that there is space for good air flow between the bottom of the fly and the ground .
27 The theme uses each half of the series so that there is not only a transposed pitch retrograde at the midway point ( halfway through bar 6 ) but also a rhythmic retrograde .
28 Such filters should be kept running right through the winter , although the water circulation need not encompass the whole pool : in other words move your submersible pump closer to the filter so that there is a shorter ‘ loop ’ .
29 The need for development has to be established and so erm I refute the fact totally that there has n't been pressure for development in the countryside , that 's certainly not the case .
30 Why the acceptance finally that there was no other way ?
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