Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun sg] he [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah but if we can get him onto the computer system he 'll do two days a week if he can do it
2 Even now as he stood there by the kitchen table he could see Caspar closing in on the weaker lamb , and he could hear that weird and terrible wailing of Lee 's .
3 That is , until one of Penfold 's Australian winemakers poled up at Geyser Peak winery in California and realised the price of Chardonnay was so high around the Sonoma Valley he 'd never manage to make a £4.99 class white for our market .
4 After which he would announce , ‘ Just going next door to ring up my Popsie ! ’ , and into the Signals Office he would disappear to ring up his fiancée , a Wren Officer stationed at Portsmouth .
5 The pension was a voluntary gratuitous payment ant the words ’ except in the wool trade ’ were merely an intimation to Mr Wyatt that if he did enter the wool trade he must not expect them to continue the pension .
6 Through the side window he could see his grey garments and underwear hanging on a small washing line outside .
7 From the sitting room he could still hear Plummer speaking .
8 Nelson had planned to take her to town , but when they got up to the car park he could n't get his car to start .
9 And i if the man in the field had got a grudge against a bloke who was stacking i or taking off in the stack yard he could make life hell .
10 First , though MI5 is notionally under the control of the Home Secretary he will be told nothing about its day-to-day operations .
11 Mr McNeil said , however , that given the CRE investigation he could not say if the education department had subsequently employed any bilingual educational psychologists or more interpreters .
12 If the transferor bothers to read the transfer form he will find that it differs slightly from the one that he would have used if he transferred his shares to his wife or children .
13 The pilot stated that as the aircraft rose above the treeline , at about 150 feet above the ground it involuntarily banked to the right , and despite maintaining the climb speed he could not prevent the roll to the right — which continued past ninety degrees of bank .
14 If the shipper disagrees with the description of the goods , or with any other material statement in the receipt message he can withhold confirmation until the disagreement is resolved .
15 At the end of the franchise period he will have nothing to sell , so I can not see how people could go away and borrow the working capital with which to run a business .
16 but if he had sent him to the eye hospital he 'd have waited two years .
17 Mr Lieberman told The Art Newspaper he would someday like to reassemble the Lowenthal holdings for the public .
18 When he came in to put some logs on the sitting-room fire he could not restrain a sob , kneeling there with his back to the coffee-table .
19 He 'd tell him , he 'd get his orders from the office , cos the Deputy Harbourmaster he would go down all the sound he sound in river and see what wanted taken out , then he 'd say to my father I 'll dredge at so and so belo below docksill and docksill what they used to do they used to , my father what he 'd do he 'd put stakes on the mud , a short stake and a long stake on account of the tide and he 'd , he 'd make an imaginary on that stake , then he 'd go ashore at Wolverston , phone up what have you got on your docksill , the fella might say it 's ten feet , well he 'd say right we 'll make that twenty feet , so that 's er , that 's what he used to work on to dredge the river .
20 In Damascus he would have loved baiting Marwan , the AP reporter , with Nick ; at the Comedy Store he would have laughed at the idea of the song someone had written for him — ‘ The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Bullets ’ ; , and my début at live interviews would have provided another entry for his file of great lines .
21 In offering the driver the option of providing a replacement specimen for the specimen of breath which he had given containing not more than 50 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath , the constable indicated that the replacement specimen he would require would be of blood .
22 Based in the Cabinet Office he will have responsibility , amongst other things , for the research councils .
23 Where the application is made to the district judge he may , if in doubt as to the proper order to be made , refer the application to the judge forthwith or at the next convenient opportunity , and the judge may hear the application and make such order as may be just or may refer it back to the district judge with directions .
24 He never let his thrice-weekly treatment stand in the way of his many activities : while on the dialysis machine he would write newspaper and magazine articles , including his weekly column for the Scottish Catholic Observer and for Flourish , the archdiocesan newspaper .
25 But the mention of a ‘ jubilant horn ’ in Jagdlied or ‘ jangling spurs ’ in Reiselied stirs him to immediate response , and in the dreamy melancholy of Schilflied or the elfin scherzo tinged with drama of Neue Liebe ( with which the disc artfully opens ) we can see the song writer he could have been had his general approach been different .
26 Coming back to Empingham , yeomen called John Parker resided in Belton and Clipsham , both in Rutland , though there is no clue as to which , if either , was the man listed under Empingham ; if he was the Belton man he could also have been the owner of a piece of land there — the MS is faded at this point .
27 But to do the miller justice he could with almost equal truth reply : ‘ Yes , maybe .
28 ‘ I would like him to contact the police incase he can help but also because I would like to shake him by the hand .
29 ‘ I want all the background detail he can get .
30 He has previously suggested that if he lost the reselection vote he would resign , thus provoking a byelection .
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