Example sentences of "[art] [adv] [adj] time for " in BNC.

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1 One of the most emotional times for anyone .
2 It is often assumed that winter is the most suitable time for training yet only 43% indicated that any time during winter would be suitable .
3 Brenda , her eyes suddenly alighting on a round milk stain on the table cloth , herself thought that breakfast was n't perhaps the most suitable time for a display of her recently acquired information about the investigation of rape .
4 In any case , volunteers are not available in July/August ( holidays ) , and by September the weather is unreliable ; May and June are , realistically , the most opportune time for such projects .
5 Regarding medicinal plants , Miller took care to indicate the most appropriate times for collection : when flowers were fit to gather for distillation , roots in an efficacious state of dormancy and seeds fully ripe for harvesting .
6 Consequently , it can be planned so that it is raised at the most appropriate time for it to be dealt with effectively .
7 Plants will normally come to bloom earlier in a greenhouse than outside , but in either case the most propitious time for the operation is during a spell , and after a couple of days , of bright sunny weather .
8 The most popular time for a first child is the third year of marriage ( 41 per cent ) .
9 The most convenient time for this routine servicing was on a Sunday and the three men soon became familiar with the sophisticated equipment .
10 And just two per cent open at weekends — the most convenient time for teenagers and workers .
11 And only 2% are open at weekends the most convenient time for teenagers and working people to get help .
12 Night fishing can be enjoyable in its own right , even without the added attraction of fishing at the most likely times for fish to feed , but only if you go about it the right way .
13 The closing stages of the decade are not the most satisfactory time for a description and analysis of the latest trends in the spatial distribution of population !
14 It also failed to deal with the unreasonably short times for notices of claims against carriers ; and it did not reverse the burden of proof that weighed upon the shipper whenever the carrier claimed the application of seemingly valid exculpatory clauses .
15 It was the very best time for the children .
16 So allow a little extra time for your journey there .
17 I have a little less time for ‘ Mr ’ Gosse since my encounter with Ed Winterton .
18 This is slightly more than the distance that most pilots would like for a spot landing at the gliding site because you need a little more time for the approach in a strange place .
19 I do n't see why giving a little more time for consultation should cause any problems of any kind .
20 The data reported by Kovacs in section 12.9 imply that the observed T g would decrease further if a sufficiently long time for measurement was allowed .
21 It 's hard enough trying to find a mutually convenient time for two people to meet ; comparing diaries for a group can be nearly impossible .
22 By arrangement with the Sole Selling Agents who will be pleased to arrange a mutually convenient time for this Company to escort prospective purchasers around the property .
23 As indicated in previous correspondence , my clients are not envisaging a ‘ walk away ’ deal and therefore the next stage is to arrange a mutually convenient time for you to meet with my clients .
24 The obligatory consultation period for prior approval from National Park Authorities for agricultural proposals attracting grant aid in National Parks should be increased from 1 month to a maximum of 3 months in order to give NPAs a more reasonable time for an assessment of the proposal 's implications and to take specialist advice .
25 An alternative system , introduced in some areas in the late 1960s , is the three-tier system , of lower ( or first ) , middle and upper schools , based on the idea that the age of 8 , 9 or even 10 was a more appropriate time for children to make the transition between the informal teaching of the early years and the more formal subject teaching offered later .
26 Napoleon 's retreat from Moscow was possibly a more trying time for his troops .
27 Six weeks before and immediately after the closedown was assumed to be a more stressful time for the 100 men than one and two years later when 90 per cent of them had found alternative employment .
28 There could hardly be a more opportune time for attempting to salvage something for those young people who are currently gaining little if anything from the educational system .
29 The eve of the second anniversary of Maxwell 's death could n't have come at a more crucial time for the pensioners who travelled to London today .
30 For example , if you wish your ‘ commanding ’ child to wait patiently until a more convenient time for her demands to be met , you could reinforce ( reward ) her for waiting for ( say ) ten seconds , subsequently you would reinforce her for waiting for a longer interval of time , gradually increasing the interval each time you ask her to wait .
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