Example sentences of "[prep] each [noun sg] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 Some people like to use a card for each question at this stage so that it is simple to move questions about as it seems desirable to order and re-order them in the best sequence .
2 The improvement in mean hearing threshold since the preoperative assessment was calculated for each child at each follow up .
3 Table VI shows the mean results and the maximum possible number of valid observations for each group at each time point .
4 Because unemployment duration is measured in days in our sample , solving for the optimal reservation wage for each of the 1,608 individuals in our sample for each period at each iteration causes serious computational problems .
5 For each nuclide at each time the geometric of anterior and posterior counts was calculated , to compensate for the anteroposterior movement of the gastric contents during emptying .
6 Dogs may become aggressive towards each other at this stage , assuming dominancy to mate with her .
7 Below a simple consensus based on the number of occurrences of each base at each position is presented , the suffix indicates the number of occurrences of the most frequent base .
8 The theoretical model , developed by Maynard Smith and Reichert to explain what happens , also requires that the behaviour of each individual at each stage of escalation indicates how serious it is about continuing .
9 If you take the present notion of the galaxies and run it back in time , it would seem that they should all have been on top of each other at some moment between ten and twenty thousand million years ago .
10 In each individual at any moment during the period of change , a similar proportion of the copies of a gene family will have been replaced by a new variant copy .
11 60 patients were entered in the trial : approximately 10 in each group at each of the 3 centres .
12 Quite simply , the peaks and troughs can be evened out by forecasting the number that can be permitted to be away in each grade at any given week which is a simple mathematical exercise .
13 Then we would fling ourselves upon each other at all hours of the day and night make love upon the unmade bed , for often we refused to let the maid in to make up the room :
14 Overall , analysis of variance for improvements in total score on each treatment at all visits showed no significant treatment effect ( p=0.17 , n=114 , 2 degrees of freedom ) .
15 There are ninety nine pupils , the total staff is one hundred , of course that does not for a moment mean that er , there is one member of staff attendant on each pupil at all times , and I do n't for a moment suggest that .
16 The Securitate and the KGB were falling over each other at that point .
17 They were just not talking to each other at all . ’
18 But the princesses will be my sisters-in-law — and I can feel it in my bones that we shall just not take to each other at all !
19 We became very close to each other at this time , in the same way as a new baby and mother come very close through constant physical contact .
20 that even in , in , in the revelation , the very beginning chapters to of had one to about chapter seven were very easy to understand , once you understand what they 're saying , because they 're all letters to each congregation at that time were n't they ?
21 A positive mental attitude is needed by each fighter at this point .
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