Example sentences of "[prep] being [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 And he has now made it to the finals of our fun competition to find the Most Miserable Man on Merseyside after being nominated by step-daughter Christine Johnson and wife , Margaret .
32 EVIL Tom Courtney was thrown down a flight of stairs after being confronted by angry fellow prisoners , it was claimed yesterday .
33 Thousands of pensioners will probably vote No , after being bombarded with groundless warnings of cuts in their high pensions if the treaty survives .
34 For decades after their War of Independence , the Israelis claimed that most of the Arab Palestinians had left of their own free will after being urged by Arab radio stations to leave their homes and take sanctuary in neighbouring states until the Arab armies had conquered the upstart new Israeli nation .
35 It hit Hawaii fifteen hours later , wrecking boats and beaches , ruining the Waikiki tourist trade ; and twenty-four hours after being triggered in southern Chile , it hit Japan , 10,000 miles north .
36 After being promoted to Sergeant-Major , Cottle was summoned before a board to see if he were officer material .
37 She was critical but stable in Middlesbrough General Hospital last night after being left for dead when a Ford Cortina crashed into parked vehicles in Berwick Hills , Middlesbrough , on Sunday .
38 Majority shareholder Bill Kenyon , who quit as chairman after being targeted by angry fans , has sold the group his controlling interest .
39 Zomax , Distalgesic and Opren ( this issue , p 729 ) came under fire after being linked with unacceptable side effects .
40 England international Richard Knight has teamed up again with Berwick on their return to the Second Division after being linked with leading First Division teams .
41 A REAL life My Little Pony has moved into an Essex animal park after being rescued from appalling conditions and almost certain death .
42 The next day Palestinian leaders threatened to boycott the talks after two members of the Palestinian negotiating team , Mohammed Hourani and Jamal Shobaki , were arrested under six-month detention without trial orders after being accused of unspecified " terrorist actions " .
43 Former Test opener Graeme Wood , 35 , has retired from first-class cricket after being dropped by Western Australia .
44 Doherty , from Strabane , had joined Derry on a one-month contract after being released at Old Trafford , the intention being to see how things worked out at the Brandywell .
45 It was reported by the Iraqi media that 447 Iraqi , Palestinian and Jordanian deportees had arrived in Basra on Oct. 8-9 " after being released from Kuwaiti prisons " .
46 In 1937 the type was tested on twin-floats , setting several more records in this configuration , and during 1942 numerous examples were used in combat after being modified with various armament configurations involving guns mounted on the wings or fuselage and even on the undercarriage spats .
47 Greuze paintings bought in after being notified by French authorities
48 Lack of specific dating and provenance for many of the exhibits has also fuelled allegations that a large part of the collection was illegally acquired , arriving on the antiquities market after being stolen from archaeological sites and illegally exported .
49 One hundred and four of the 114 staff at Hills Zinc Die Casting ‘ signed-up ’ for the scheme after being briefed by Royal Scottish sales staff .
50 A consultant neurosurgeon , John Miles , told them that Tim had shown no brain response after being taken off sedative drugs .
51 Tim showed no brain response after being taken off sedative drugs .
52 On Monday night Norman Dixon 's Headford Arms won his first competitive race in England after being bought as top lot in Cleveland Park 's recent auction .
53 A misadventure verdict 's been recorded on a man who died in hospital after being admitted with broken ribs .
54 After being washed in distilled water , the slides were counterstained with 0.1% nuclear fast red in 5% aluminium sulphate for five minutes , dehydrated , and mounted using a synthetic mounting medium ( Vitro-Club , Langenbrink , Emmendingen , Germany ) .
55 The town in North Bohemia , one of Europe 's most environmentally devastated regions , declared an emergency last Friday after being engulfed in dense , sulphurous smog for days .
56 The Rheidol line offers some of the most spectacular scenery available on Welsh railways and , as far as railway enthusiasts are concerned , the line still has much to offer even though it is still recovering after being reduced to virtual siding status in the last year 's of British Rail management .
57 And as luck would have it , I just happen to have a list of apparently germane truths which I have been maturing during the last month or so , after being worsted in various conversations .
58 Once inside the Sellafield factory , the spent fuel goes through a production line in which it is first stripped of its external cladding and then chemically separated after being dissolved in nitric acid .
59 The Labour government was elected at a time when Keynesian economics was moving towards being accepted as economic orthodoxy .
60 If so , is the excision of the unenforceable part capable of being achieved without other addition or modification ?
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