Example sentences of "[prep] being [vb pp] to the " in BNC.

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1 He then entered himself at Lincoln 's Inn , and , after being called to the bar in 1789 , began to practise on the northern circuit .
2 The solution is a seat fitting kit a specially made safety belt which is fixed to the seat after being bolted to the car body .
3 A shopkeeper is in hospital after being clubbed to the ground with a baseball bat .
4 He made few friends ; he joined few clubs or societies , and after being elected to the college debating society was asked to resign because he never spoke ; he did not even spend much money .
5 About 40 people have been treated for eye and skin irritation , breathing problems and nausea after being exposed to the spill .
6 This autonomy is jealously defended by neighbourhood policemen in Easton , who see it as an essential part of their job , as one was ruefully reminded after being transferred to the Traffic Branch .
7 Bristol referee Bob Hamer was rescued by Exeter player Ronnie Jepson after being knocked to the ground by angry fans following a last-minute penalty award in the 1–1 draw against Port Vale .
8 After being welcomed to the summit of an amazingly red Red Pike by the rain , we were happy to descend to Scarth Gap .
9 After being returned to the USA he was convicted of drug trafficking , money laundering , and racketeering charges in April 1992 [ see p. 38857 ] , and sentenced to 40 years ' imprisonment .
10 After being degraded to the level of a vegetable market , the Piece Hall was rightly recognized as an architectural and industrial monument that it was important to preserve , and part of it now houses the town 's Textile Museum , which is open throughout the year .
11 AFIRM of auctioneers which sold two oil paintings for £840 five months before the works fetched £88,000 at Sotheby 's after being attributed to the 18th century master , George Stubbs , won its appeal yesterday against a judge 's ruling that it had been negligent .
12 Mrs Sharon Smith gave birth to her first baby , a son named Oliver , 28 hours after being admitted to the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital in Gloucester in June .
13 After being driven to the bank , in the centre Toulon , in southern France , he was made to open the door .
14 According to Gavron 's survey of ninety-six urban housewives , the feeling of being tied to the house.and isolated from meaningful social contacts is a common one for both working-class and middle-class women .
15 Instead of being treated to the confrontation between the great lion Aslan and the forces of hell , we sat and watched a game of cat and mouse .
16 A major requirement of a religion then , must be that , above all , it shall be capable of a simplified , but undistorted interpretation capable of being taught to the very young in such a way that it will instil in them the stirrings of what will become their consciences , that is , they will harbour a subconscious awareness of the fundamental nature of right and wrong as these are applied to those areas of human aspirations where they are beyond dispute .
17 But I have twice dreamt of being led to the noose , the second time I got closer than the first , I hope I never have a third !
18 But I have twice dreamt of being led to the noose , the second time I got closer than the first , I hope I never have a third !
19 So Popper proposed the idea that a scientific statement was one which was capable of being tested to the point of destruction .
20 So her performance could n't be too low either — especially with the risk of being relegated to the brain-dead clerk-level .
21 Her feet were lodged in wide black-barred shoes and in their immobility gave the impression of being clamped to the carpet .
22 Most crucially it means identifying the population which is at ‘ risk ’ of being exposed to the noxious or infectious agent via proximity or because of certain characteristics which make them more vulnerable .
23 I was nervous in the dressing room but once on the pitch and with the thrill of being presented to the Princess Royal it felt just great and I have never been so proud in my life , especially when I saw my sister , Kirsty , up in the stand .
24 Erm plans for the succession er and development of senior people and some of the plans this is going back to July er were in place then , most of the plans are in place now erm has probably most of you know are retiring in in October er their jobs have now all been allocated and are in the process of being transferred to the partners .
25 After Tuesday 's goings on , he frankly did not give a Castlemaine XXXX for his chances of being called to the rostrum .
26 Curiously enough , it appears that there is no question at all which fits the adjective of a sentence like ( 59 ) closely , so that one must fall back on a metalinguistic one such as ( 60 ) : ( 59 ) the sharks remain dangerous ( 60 ) what did you say about the sharks ? 5.7 Since the property of the postverbal is one which the speaker deliberately chooses to clothe in the guise of an adjective rather than an adverb , it must , as we have already remarked , be one which is capable of being ascribed to the referential locus of the subject phrase .
27 My searches even led me to the absurdity of being directed to the deep freeze in one newsagent when I asked for Spare Rib .
28 After explaining quickly about not being able to get a bed and breakfast , of being directed to the Hall , her mouth tightened when he burst out laughing .
29 It has the unique distinction among school magazines of being confined to the closed case of the British Library .
30 It will only be ordered if the purchaser and vendor are capable of being returned to the position they were in before the sale agreement was executed .
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