Example sentences of "[prep] those that [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They were either bought in by Don Bennett himself , and there were very few of those that got through my fine mesh , or those who were somehow or other forced on us by agencies over which we had no control .
2 Yet in the outcome the Criminal Justice Act 1967 , with over 300 amendments to the original Bill having been debated for more than sixty hours in the Commons Standing Committee , suffered the fate of those that went before and came after .
3 Erm ironically I was one of those that went from Essex to Manchester and I did live up there for a couple of years but er decided to come back .
4 Bobbin-making was originally a coppice industry — one of those that depended on a small plantation of selected trees for commercial use — in this case birch .
5 Despite bumpy market conditions , most of those that joined in September and October have notched up solid gains .
6 This is no elaborate , townie 's re-creation , overburdened with fancy aesthetics , but a living , breathing original — a mixture of plants for use and beauty , like those that appealed to so many artists around the turn of the century .
7 Carnivores can be divided into those that lay in wait as opposed to actively hunting for their prey .
8 Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter were in office in conditions far removed from those that prevailed at the beginning of the decade .
9 The early industrial landscapes differed essentially from those that developed with steam-power .
10 But insofar as legislation is the way to improve them , which is an open question , the conditions are quite different from those that obtained in 1954 .
11 They were like beacons to those that preyed on them .
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