Example sentences of "[prep] way of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We were the big trading nation , and even today we are the second largest by way of the percentage of GDP exported and imported — we are second only to West Germany .
2 But the bulk of it was done by way of the tutorial , a weekly session in which the pupil read aloud an essay of some three thousand words to his tutor and they then discussed it .
3 Even though various initiatives have been undertaken by way of the provision of guidance , there has been little knowledge of the actual practices employed within the nontrading segments of the public sector .
4 ‘ SCOTVEC is very grateful for the feedback we get from teachers and lecturers by way of the Module Comment Form .
5 I came to the garden by way of the village which has grown up on its edge .
6 Firstly , NHS funded care in trusts or directly managed units is identified by way of the contract minimum data set .
7 Queen Mary College ( London ) This college of the University of London , developed from the people 's Palace in the East End ( 1884 ) , by way of the East End Technical College .
8 Of course , if this is correct the chronicle presumably reached St Augustine 's by way of the Cathedral , Christ Church .
9 Newton 's physics , however , once it had been created and developed by way of the conjectures of the likes of Galileo and Newton , was a superior theory that superseded Aristotle 's .
10 Leaving at about 10.30 , he had walked back to Hungerford by a wide track that skirted Duncan Woods , by way of the turnpike crossroads .
11 The Local Government Finance Act 1988 imposes a duty on local authorities to calculate how much they needed to raise by way of the poll tax .
12 A contrast may be drawn in this respect between the highly fragmented union movements in Anglo-Saxon countries where the historical and ideological connection between socialism and trade unionism was much weaker , and the formation of broad , comprehensive interest organisations on the part of the working class by way of the existence of large industrial unions in those European countries such as Sweden , Austria and Germany with a strong socialist tradition ( Streeck , 1981 ) .
13 Consequently , the reaction of the host society to a growing imbalance , a growing injection of this particular form of crime , is not the natural reaction by way of the formation of antibodies , as it were .
14 During winter , travel by way of the Mojave Desert along the western side of the Sierra Nevadas to Sequoia National Park , overnight at the Giant Forest Lodge .
15 When it got dark he looked for somewhere else to sit and went to the back of the aircraft by way of the communication tunnel , but quickly got bored .
16 Nu'uali'itia came by way of the Counties senior side .
17 Iain had been telling us how ten to fifteen thousand years ago early man had crossed from Mongolia to Alaska by way of the Aleutian chain of volcanic islands and then , over a period of some five millennia , had worked his way down through North and South America until finally he had reached Tierra del Fuego , living out the winters virtually naked except for the natural hair of his body .
18 Winter skin savers come by way of the RoC hypoallergenic skin care products for very dry skins and also a range for oily problem skins .
19 So far we have been raising rather large issues in an abstracted and certainly general fashion which , it is to be hoped , will become clearer as they are filled out in what follows by way of the discussion of specific methods of data collection .
20 Similarly , Gnosticism was opposed to orthodox Christianity by its hostility to history , for instead of being based on the idea that God prepares for the future by way of the past it regarded the world as one from which God was absent .
21 Piaget 's claim is that the cognitive difficulties which infants come to resolve ‘ on the plane of action ’ in infancy reappear , in childhood , ‘ on the plane of [ verbal ] concepts ’ and have to receive the same kind of solution — by way of the direction , inhibition and co-ordination of cognitive acts .
22 He found an empty first-class compartment , and she reached it by way of the corridor after the train had pulled out .
23 Once we have paid the claim , consideration should be given to pursuing recovery against the Third Party , by way of the Subrogation condition in the policy .
24 Letting herself out inconspicuously by way of the backstairs , Joan set out after dark for the Garden Tower , taking a circuitous route to avoid arousing suspicion .
25 Pigs are our chief prey item — half the meat in the human diet , worldwide , is pork , That has to mean that those of us who are n't Jews , Moslems or vegetarians are made up of a large proportion of protein that arrived by way of the animal we most like to sneer at — not to mention mistreat , in the most abominable ways .
26 Wolverton had the opportunity of giving concrete expression to a gift from the Canadian Government to the Home Office ( Fire Office Division ) by way of the manufacture of 18 mobile kitchens constructed to standards laid down by the Home Office .
27 First , incorporation itself was a privilege in the sense that it was an advantage that was not available to all , being dependent on an exercise of state discretion by way of the grant of a royal charter or a specific act of Parliament .
28 Perhaps the spiral designs originated in the ‘ Bandkeramik ’ of the Danube basin and arrived in Crete by way of the Cyclades , where stone pyxides were made with spiral ornaments ; but Stylianos Alexiou thinks it more likely that the spiral came from the Middle East , where it was used in gold wire jewellery from an early date .
29 Andel and Runnels ( 1988 ) have identified three early trade routes : a northern route from Anatolia to Attica by way of Samos , Ikaria , Mikonos , Tinos and Kea , a central route running from Anatolia by way of the Cyclades to Argolis , and a southern route which went by way of Crete .
30 A more recent theory is that the Celtic or pre-Celtic White Park type originated on the Iberian peninsula , along the immigration route of the Hamitic longhorns which travelled from the Middle East into North Africa and West Africa , with some branching off to cross into southern Spain by way of the Straits of Gibraltar .
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