Example sentences of "[prep] how [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In one way these three decades of horror provide a parable of how we try to explain evil in humanity .
2 When linguists talk of the goal of linguistic theory as being the construction of an account of a sound-meaning correspondence for the infinite set of sentences in any language , one might perhaps infer that such a grand theory would eo ipso give an account of at least the essentials of how we communicate using language .
3 Clearly the whole point of the exchange , namely a request for specific information and an attempt to provide as much of that information as possible , is not directly expressed in ( 2 ) at all ; so the gap between what is literally said in ( 2 ) and what is conveyed in ( 3 ) is so substantial that we can not expect a semantic theory to provide more than a small part of an account of how we communicate using language .
4 What we need is a perspicuous representation of our use of the word ‘ remember ’ , and of how we come to use words like ‘ yesterday ’ .
5 cos as far as annual reports are concerned you just want a statement from Hugh , and a rough idea of how we 've performed financially .
6 Some of us remember the times of fixed exchange rates under the Bretton Woods system when we used to hear in the House details of public expenditure cuts , of how we had to let go a great deal of our reserves , and of high interest rates — all at once .
7 We had gone prepared for any questions he might ask , together with all the official documents regarding planning permission etc. and a collection of excellent photographic evidence of how we had set up the museum regarding exhibits etc. , taken by our good friend Russell Mulford .
8 It is as though , in our theory of how we came to exist , we are allowed to postulate a certain ration of luck .
9 I reminded him of how we 'd got rid of Abed without any unpleasant repercussions , but he could n't accept it .
10 We think that it conserves services , that it has searched out the vast majority of efficiencies that we can find within this council and that it does n't pass on to the poll tax , council tax payers the fruits , I mean it does pass on the poll tax or council tax payers the fruits of how we have achieved savings and efficiencies over the last couple of years .
11 The essence of the humanities is the study of how we have interpreted the world about us , how we have expressed our understanding through language , literature , philosophy and the arts , and how differing views of human life and various forms of society have shaped our history .
12 This last drawing exercise is a summary of the simple process of thinking which leads us into a deeper appreciation of how we have come to be what we are .
13 For , as we have seen , interpretation is involved in the description of facts ( including the results of tests ) and hence the consistency of prediction with fact is partly a matter of how we choose to read it .
14 The story of how the defenders withstood the might of Cromwell 's army , of how the Honours were smuggled out from the castle under the very noses of the English and hidden beneath the floor of nearby Kineff Kirk , and of how they lay buried for eight long years until returned once more to Edinburgh Castle , is one of the most well known , oft-repeated tales of Scottish history .
15 Although there are girls who talk glibly of how they intend to reach the top of the women 's professional game by the age of 25 , and from there move on to marriage and a family , the Solheim Cup served as a salutary reminder that no-one should expect quick results .
16 But until lately very few people had managed to make themselves heard when they pointed out the dramatic effect of all previous philosophers having seen it as that of a man — that is , of course , not an exact reflection of what men are like , but an image of how they tend to see themselves when they contrast themselves with women .
17 Protected from prosecution by an amnesty law of 1978 , the military opposed any such investigation but their claim that they had been fighting a war against left-wing subversion became increasingly untenable with the discovery of mass graves containing the bodies of their political opponents and the disclosure of how they had indulged in corrupt financial practices while in power , including the payment of US$3,000,000 to Pinochet 's son [ see pp. 37528-29 ; 37852-53 ; 37958 ] .
18 Something that linked them , was a reminder of how they had got there .
19 They had reached a short flight of stone steps leading down to an open door , and she had no idea of how they had arrived there .
20 He did not as yet know all the details of how they had died , and what had gone before , but rumour had it that no great physical strength had been involved so that you could not rule out a woman as the killer .
21 I was paid good money for 3½ years to do something about the problems of North Shields and a particular component of doing something was describing what things were like , giving an account of how they had come to be like this , and attempting to understand why the process had happened as it had .
22 An account of how they come to have communicative significance , and different communicative significances , can be given in terms of the flouting of the maxim of Quantity .
23 The stories of how they got involved are typical .
24 But might duty also disrupts family life , appetite , and sleeping patterns , and policewomen particularly complain of its effect on their roles as mother and housewife , although some policemen also talk sadly of how they miss seeing their children when on nights .
25 So we think of them as being descriptive , but in reality , if you 're going to say to somebody , you 're very responsible , they 're probably not going to know what you mean , unless you come up with a few examples of what you 're talking about , of how they 've demonstrated that type of behaviour .
26 You know , they do n't come with any idea of how they 've done really .
27 In every case however , it is necessary to have a clear focal point for the activities , to work towards the communities needs , and for each community to be able , at least crudely , to have an idea of how they wish to use video when they return to the problems of their own area .
28 Indeed , as several hon. Members have already said , it is a confession by the Government of how they have mismanaged the entire privatisation programme .
29 By empowering young people to recognise their skills and achievements , providing evidence of how they have put their skills into practice and recording their attainment , records of achievement provide a powerful tool for unlocking and acknowledging human potential .
30 Development Needs — many managers have only a general idea of how they want to improve .
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