Example sentences of "[prep] her as [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I protested , waving my arms and running after her as I saw the possibility of getting into Ashley 's increasingly attractive body slipping away from me .
2 She would bolt the back door and lock the front door after her as she left and she would n't be gone for long .
3 He saw also the way the Hogans looked after her as she left the kitchen .
4 Though he was a little surprised , he smiled and said with alacrity that he could just use a cup of coffee , and he lounged after her as she bustled around the kitchen .
5 The scientists pounded after her as she hurtled out on to the open floor , almost bumping into a pair of guards who were doing their rounds .
6 He turned towards her as he said it .
7 His back was towards her as he crossed to the coffee-machine .
8 He took a step towards her as he started to unbutton his shirt , and she forced herself not to give him the satisfaction of moving away .
9 I must have moved towards her as she took half a step back .
10 ‘ We took pictures of her as we do with every baby in special care .
11 He was disturbingly aware of her as they moved off .
12 BELVILLE : I defy you gentlemen to think so highly of her as she deserves .
13 She had seen Billy enter the dining rooms in front of her as she returned from the park with Rachel , and the sight of him had sent a little shiver through her body .
14 And just as she was feeling sure and secure , a smile becoming a real part of her as she gloried in the feeling growing between them , Lucy gave her to understand that she was going away for three weeks .
15 A picture of her as she had been in life came up on the screen .
16 Cries rose on all sides of her as she filled the dishes , but she worked on steadily oblivious , like some eccentric female St Francis , brooding a little about the image seen in the vicarage garden , which , although it had turned out to be only an old cloth flung over a tree stump , was an indication of the way things might go .
17 The need to hurt him drained out of her as she waited for his answer .
18 Her eyes widened , as though the reference to Eduardo was something physical like a blow , the fury quite gone out of her as she said , ‘ Why do you say that ?
19 She claimed photographers who took pictures of her as she walked the streets or appeared at public events were then making a fortune by selling their shots to companies ready to churn out posters , T-shirts and magazines by the million .
20 They danced in front of her as she went up Long Field , following Joe and the horse and heaving old broad bean haulms into the cart .
21 Affectionately they watched her as she ambled back to the others , kicking fallen leaves in front of her as she went .
22 Slightly put off by his failure to take any notice of her as she entered , her voice was hesitant as she greeted him in her best Spanish .
23 Indeed he 'd taken as much pleasure in the simple sight of her as he 'd taken in the act of love .
24 He might just be one jump ahead of her as he had been when he stole her car space .
25 And that was the problem , Sabine thought , staring rigidly ahead of her as he started the car .
26 He was close behind her as they rounded the L-bend of the restaurant — and he very nearly cannoned into her when she suddenly stopped dead .
27 She set out across it , wishing she had a dog with her and admiring , over her shoulder , the neat prints of boot sole and heel that she left behind her as she walked .
28 He pushed his hands in his pockets and stepped a little behind her as she strode .
29 On her slender body was only the bathrobe , which fluttered out behind her as she ran into the steaming night .
30 With that , Ursula turned on her heel and marched out of the room , throwing the parting remark , ‘ I need some air ! ’ behind her as she went .
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