Example sentences of "[prep] one who have [be] " in BNC.

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1 A brown kisscurl fell over his forehead ; he chortled often , showing the sly , boyish grin and the self-satisfied air of one who had been told once too often that he was a lovable rascal .
2 Her dark grey eyes in her pale face had the look of one who had been crying fairly often and recently .
3 He had dropped the joviality , even dropped as well the slightly secretive air of one who had been given permission to tell , but not all .
4 The work explores , sometimes very poignantly , an investigation of the emotions of one who has been progressively deaf from the age of four , and who lost his mother at the age of two .
5 That puppy-dog expression of one who has been up to mischief and is worried you will find out but knows you will forgive him anyway .
6 This must have given him great satisfaction for he used to refer to himself " as one who has been admitted a member of the great family of the deaf " , and described this family as " my people " .
7 Strangely for one who has been so successful , Charlie has never been inundated by offers from English trainers , although no doubt this is in the process of changing following those Cheltenham wins .
8 Whereupon the partying Ninevites , just like Jonah inside the whale , repented ; whereupon God decided after all to spare the city ; whereupon Jonah became incredibly irritated , which was only normal in one who 'd been put to a lot of trouble to bring the message of destruction , only for the Lord , despite a well-known , indeed historic taste for wrecking cities , to turn round and change his mind .
9 Foolishly , the roughness from one who had been so kind was the last straw , and tears suddenly welled into her eyes .
10 ‘ And to one who has been delicately reared — ’
11 Later , letters were written to Sir Robert Cecil , Secretary of State , requesting a pardon and leave to return — by one who had been ‘ … forced to forsake my country through the malice of my enemy ’ .
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