Example sentences of "[prep] time for [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And it is you know it seems to take up quite a bit of time for members of staff and we do as many as we can but sometimes we have to say sorry we we ca n't do any more this week .
2 Before we start the presentation I 'd mention there will be hard copies of the slides available , the video is for internal use only and there should be plenty of time for questions at the end .
3 An interesting adaption of our 10 day holiday to Alsopahok in Hungary occurs when we make an overnight stay in the Vienna Woods area , thereby giving you plenty of time for sightseeing in Vienna itself .
4 An extension of time for compliance with the order may be required to be given at the time of endorsing the penal notice .
5 The court heard that Mr Prescott , 28 , and his teammates Bernard Bryan , Colin Osbourne Wright and Jacqueline Watson used the drugs only for short periods of time for training in the run-up to a major event .
6 The court heard that Mr Prescott , 28 , and his teammates Bernard Bryan , Colin Osbourne Wright and Jaqueline Watson used the drugs only for short periods of time for training in the run-up to a major event , as is common .
7 The next stop at Rothley will allow plenty of time for photographs at the restored gas-lit station where another runpast will take place while refreshments are served .
8 Your journey is via Dover to Calais on P&O European Ferries ( with time for lunch on board , not included in holiday cost ) and the leisurely drive will take you through France and Belgium before arriving in the evening at your hotel in The Hague .
9 1 Provide light easily digested protein-rich diet until time for withdrawal of food .
10 In any case , if Parson Woodforde 's manservant Ben Leggatt found himself temporarily ‘ out of pocket ’ , all he had to do was to pawn the best pair of trousers he had been wearing over the weekend and redeem them in time for church on Sunday .
11 Second , it creates two classes of Director nomination , those received in time for inclusion in the Notice of the Annual General Meeting and those received too late .
12 It is probable , therefore , that the internal payment certificate will not be raised in time for inclusion in the current month 's costing as they will be received by the accountant after the close down date for the month .
13 Mr Heseltine has been forced to pull out of a Birmingham conference on global technology today as a contingency to allow the final details to be tied up in time for presentation to the Cabinet .
14 The Queen , Queen Mother and Princes William , 10 , and Harry , eight , also turned up in time for lunch in the royal shooting lodge .
15 June Roberts said she 'd gone out in the car , saying nothing except that she 'd be back in time for cocktails at the Clarkes ' as she had promised , a business thing for Samuel .
16 ‘ Then I could show Mother Francis that I 'd be back up in the convent in time for Mass in the chapel , and she 'd get to know I was to be relied on . ’
17 They left the North Eastern Railway Station in a reserved railway carriage by the early morning train , hoping to make Masham in time for breakfast at the vicarage by invitation of Charles Gorham 's father , who was vicar of Masham .
18 This required taking such steps as arranging the candidate 's schedule so as to ensure that he arrived at campaign stops in time for coverage on the nightly news .
19 2.2 It would not , of course , be feasible to expect either centres or SCOTVEC to support the transfer of all existing courses into the new format in time for enrolment in September 1990 .
20 It took until December 16 for Jack to reach home , just in time for Christmas with his family in Manchester , his last as it turned out .
21 The implementation of measures 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 depend upon action by both the profession and the Government , but we believe the necessary steps can be completed in time for implementation in April 1993 .
22 If we get the go-ahead Objective One could be a reality for Merseyside in time for implementation in 1994 , ’ he said .
23 Instead , he had dropped her outside the Half Moon in Portesham , exchanged with her a few platitudes about the working week to come , then driven home to Radipole in time for tea with his mother .
24 Picture us arriving there on Boxing Day in time for tea by public transport , of course . ’
25 ‘ Saving your presence sir , ’ said Sergeant Bramble , ‘ I tried to explain that there was nothing amiss and that you 'd be back in time for supper with Miss Nicole .
26 Despite various unresolved aspects , there was optimism that agreement could be reached by August , in time for submission of the treaty to the UN General Assembly .
27 Meal times were silent : everyone at the table in time for grace to be said ; everyone eating what was set before him .
28 And so she continued , through three years , through a series of such violent changes ; she inspected herself anxiously from time to time for signs of manic-depression or schizophrenia , but she could find nothing but symptoms of increasingly quick recovery .
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