Example sentences of "[prep] time [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It 's er , it 's not pleasant for them , and they 're doing it in wet weathers , but I mean whatever erm , I find for them you know , to wear , I mean , time after time they get their feet down and slip and get them in .
2 Time after time he defended himself from Carter , time after time the screw intervened , again and again he was n't pushed to the floor .
3 At this keyword you must specify the time at which you wish LIFESPAN RDBI to run ( start time ) , the amount of time you wish it to run for ( duration ) , and the time at which you wish it to be re-scheduled ( repeat time ) .
4 The length of time you hold it down determines the strength of the kick .
5 To set it up , the amount of time it takes her to get it up , be prepared
6 In the short space of time it took him to walk across the room arm-in-arm with Mme de Ratho , he thought he saw … .
7 David is concerned at the length of time he says it took for an ambulance to arrive .
8 It was Li Chao who first suggested I should have a Chinese name and I was both grateful and honoured when in the course of time he gave me the three-character name of Tdong Lao Fu which meant , literally , ‘ Portrait of Happy Man Climbing Mountain ’ .
9 ‘ So within a short space of time she lost her baby and permanently lost her ability to have another baby with serious and lasting consequences to her health and eventually fatal consequences for her marriage . ’
10 Mr Chairman this little job will save a bit of time I think we 've had er an amendment set by the , the Labour group for work demands through requests er , we want er support er what Simon what Simon is making here so we er we 're making here so we erm small
11 Each child had his or her own particular repertoire with a preference for some actions over others , but with time they changed their repertoire .
12 On odd nights that would worry me but in time I realised they were the kind of neighbours who never caused a disturbance .
13 God created the world , humans fell , in time He sent His Son Jesus Christ , who lived , died and rose again , and who will come at the end of time .
14 Just in time she stopped herself from confiding that she 'd almost forgotten how to dance .
15 She almost apologised , but in time she stopped herself .
16 ‘ I just play for relaxation nowadays , but I know two of the guys who play here regularly and from time to time they invite me to join them . ’
17 ‘ I 'm not sure , but from things he let drop from time to time I think there probably was .
18 From time to time she dipped her fingertips into a glass jar and withdrew them laden with cream which she smoothed into her face and neck in lazy strokes .
19 Fen made no comment about the meal she set before him , but , she noticed , he ate with relish and from time to time she felt him observing her contemplatively .
20 He heard the tin bracelets jangling on her wrists and from time to time she bent her head close over her fists as though blowing on reluctant embers ; but it was some time before he realized that he , too , was naked , and that the hands of the Moi girl were stroking and chafing his own body .
21 From time to time she caught him looking at her , his expression unfathomable , and each time the tension in the cabin seemed to grow .
22 What comforted her , when from time to time she opened her eyes and squinted upwards , was the sight of her statue of Our Lady of Lourdes .
23 From time to time he takes his team away for a couple of days to provide a further stimulus .
24 From time to time he checked his route on the map .
25 His voice was high pitched and from time to time he emphasised his points by restrained movements of his hands .
26 From time to time he brought them small presents of coffee and sugar , although he was always slightly shy and embarrassed about giving them .
27 From time to time he wriggled them , whether in obedience to some medical instruction or for his own private satisfaction , it was impossible to say .
28 Over time we absorb them as our own and the culture shock retreats as we internalize the values and beliefs ( I discuss this in some detail in Chapter 6 ) .
29 Mr Rau continued : ‘ Over time we expect our association with the Wood Group to lead to faster growth through acquisitions , as well as quicker penetration into the markets outside the US . ’
30 It 's like Angela , by time they sort it out being on income support , the Poll Tax
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