Example sentences of "[prep] him that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This darkness and this cloud is betwixt thee and thy God , and telleth thee that thou mayest neither see him clearly by light of understanding , nor feel him in sweetness of love in thine affection , and therefore shape thee to bide in this darkness as long as thou mayest , crying after him that thou lovest
2 I wanted to shout after him that I had made a mistake and that I had really understood him very well .
3 How could he explain to the old woman sitting opposite him that he wore a five thousand pound watch ?
4 It wo n't be altogether a lie , I feel a responsibility towards him that I do n't really understand .
5 His gaze swept lazily over her , making her squirm , then with one swift movement he caught her by the wrist , pulling her so abruptly towards him that she stumbled , caught off balance .
6 He was a senior , dedicated member , and it did n't at first appear that he had committed any atrocities , but we later found out that he was responsible for denouncing people who had anti-Fascist sympathies , and that it was because of him that we had been taken to Tabiano .
7 Epictetus said of him that he offered no handle for another person to grip and hurt him .
8 I too , as one who is not a Christian , might well say of him that he knew and loved God .
9 It was recorded of him that he sang with the monks in the divine offices ; when taunted by the king for his clerkly tastes , he responded that an illiterate king was a crowned ass ( a cliché much favoured in twelfth-century Angevin circles , for it sprang from a sense of family superiority — the counts of Anjou were , by any standards , learned men ) .
10 She was so aware of him that he seemed to be touching her from a long way off .
11 She had winkled out of him that he got the story from Georgie and she had much trouble persuading him it was a joke .
12 It is characteristic of him that he transmitted to us a document which gave the number of the soldiers in the Roman army about 225 B.C. and added the number of the men of military age but not under arms : the document distinguished between Roman citizens and allies , and gave specific figures for the main groups of allies ( 2.23–4 ) .
13 She said of him that he had real taste with the produce and was a willing lad all round .
14 It was n't until she got within a few yards of him that he realized it was Maisie .
15 He was formidable , laconic , self-disciplined , earnest but not humourless , and it was said of him that he did everything with a kind of good-natured fury .
16 She knew perfectly well from the many Press photos of him that he preferred casual wear .
17 Sometime she felt so fond of him that she inclined to a belief in reincarnation , feeling that they must once have been twins : she understood him far too well for her peace of mind , and she knew why her brothers detested him ; apart from the fact that they were racists , they were baffled by his charm and his after-shave .
18 She had not quite the disdain of him that she put into what she said ; and perhaps he knew it as well as she did .
19 It was only when he felt her going limp against him that he stopped and lifted his head .
20 After the war a man called Alec Howson in Barnard Castle ran the trips and it was with him that we went to Loch Lomond .
21 We did n't intend to have a five-piece group so we played with Craig and , in the meantime , Andy returned and we 'd gotten on so well with him that we decided to continue as a five-piece …
22 Apparently , the free spending Italian club AC Milan were so taken with him that they offered Celtic a fee of £100,000 for his services , only to recoil in fear when the club 's manager Jock Stein told him they could only rent him for one game for that amount .
23 I agree with him that they have an important role to play in a fully integrated service for mentally ill people , but the House would mislead itself if it believed that those mentally ill people who find themselves on the streets are drawn from those patients who have been discharged from long-term care in hospitals .
24 I was going to say that I was grateful to the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) for raising this issue , because I agree with him that it needs to be properly debated on the Floor of the House .
25 ‘ I wanted to come , ’ Maggie muttered , quite agreeing with him that she had come off worst in everything .
26 You 've you 've made it clear with him that you discriminate quite clearly between the people that go back to work because they 've got children or they 've got l lot of finan and they 've got to do a lot of financial obligations and those who who do n't .
27 ‘ Not if you want to keep your job ! ’ he snarled , and , on the brink of all-out warfare , ‘ Do you have some secret understanding with him that I know nothing of ? ’
28 I 'll , I can endorse that by saying that we should n't , as I noticed a certain offhandedness with him that I did n't like at all .
29 He could feel the tension like a coil in him ; could feel responses waking in him that he had n't felt since … well , since they 'd tried to reconstruct him .
30 Or : ‘ The swift blinking of his eyes and the trembling of his sensitive hands … aroused feelings in him that he had not ever owned up to even to himself ’ ?
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