Example sentences of "[prep] some time in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Captain Mark Phillips had been expected to remain for some time in his cottage on the estate , where he has lived since the marriage broke up three years ago .
2 He remembered these words from some time in his past .
3 If you have trouble sorting out what your exact goals are , try thinking back to some time in your childhood when you had dreams and aspirations .
4 There are several complaints that may affect women at some time in their lives from period pains and pre-menstrual tension to thrush and cystitis .
5 The evidence of the 1949 Royal Commission on Population on the use of birth control techniques , recognised to be inadequate on the matter , suggests that only 40 per cent of women married between 1910 and 1919 used some form of birth control at some time in their marriage compared with 66 per cent of those married between 1935 and 1939 .
6 There are several complaints that may affect women at some time in their lives from period pains and pre-menstrual tension to thrush and cystitis .
7 THE dimply lumps and bumps called cellulite affect 80 per cent of all women at some time in their lives .
8 However , in women , Cystitis is one of the most common medical problems today , which affects around half of all women at some time in their lives .
9 In this country , one in every three people will develop cancer at some time in their lives .
10 At recent rates about 80 per cent of married women can expect to work at some time in their married lifetime ( Martin and Roberts 1984 ) .
11 At some time in their lives , almost all have cause to visit the local health centre or hospital where they see and meet staff at work .
12 So many animals , at some time in their lives if not throughout them , need a home .
13 The family is a central institution of modern British society , at least in the sense that almost everybody has had experience of living in a family at some time in their lives .
14 Even if most people will at some time in their lives live in a family which does conform to the cereal-packet image , they will also necessarily spend much of their lives outside it .
15 Even this underestimates the numbers of children who will , at some time in their lives , experience living in such a family situation .
16 Almost all of these men had been in psychiatric hospitals at some time in their lives , especially the younger ones .
17 As many as one person in 10 has an ulcer at some time in their lives — mostly men and mostly in early middle age .
18 ‘ Oh , everybody 's in love with an actress at some time in their lives , ’ said Lord Henry .
19 About one person in two can expect to find themselves on an operating table at some time in their lives .
20 It suggested that up to 20% of the school population might have such needs at some time in their school career ( previously around 2% of children had been legally classed as ‘ handicapped ’ ) .
21 One in three people will become a carer at some time in their life , and the figure 's rising as a result of the Government 's move to provide more care in the community .
22 Although there appears to be little documentary evidence to support it , there is a long tradition that Trinity Mill , at some time in its life , was a fulling mill .
23 The demon coughed nervously ( demons do not breathe ; however , every intelligent being , whether it breathes or not , coughs nervously at some time in its life .
24 This has happened to the car at some time in its past , as a result of which the crank shaft 's worn , the engine 's a bit dodgy , but I buy it 's not apparent when I buy it , but the engine breaks down after I 've bought it and I 've paid for this warranty , you 're going to come back and say ‘ oh , this was a defect inherent in the vehicle before you bought it , excluded by the warranty ’ .
25 This is criminal when you consider that almost every woman has oral sex at some time in her life .
26 Rostov wondered if he had been isolated from the longevity treatment at some time in his life .
27 If you decide to accept infertility or childlessness , then this is the process you will need to go through ; it 's difficult , but we all have to leave dreams behind at some time in our lives .
28 All of us lose sleep at some time in our lives , and many individuals have to lose sleep as part of their jobs , which may be extremely responsible and demanding .
29 Most of us have dieted at some time in our lives , and have been able to stick to the new regime quite rigidly for a little while .
30 I want a male point of view to this silly love thing we all get netted into at some time in our lives . ’
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