Example sentences of "[prep] any [noun sg] he could " in BNC.

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1 John hung around the theatre and lent a hand in any way he could .
2 Allen had no home but slept in the church porch and earned his keep in any way he could and scavenged and begged when that was the only way to stay alive .
3 Dr Courtney , she told me , had said that he would help her in any way he could .
4 Eliot must have heard of his arrest during or just after his visit to Paris at the beginning of that month since , on his return , he immediately sent a cable to Archibald MacLeish , the poet who was then Assistant Secretary of State , saying that he was eager to help Pound in any way he could .
5 He was determined to torment her in any way he could .
6 In any case he could not now be trusted with clients .
7 She had an idea where the first sniper had been but in any case he could have moved .
8 In any case he could not believe … but that was not evidential .
9 In any event he could afford to relax .
10 He also believed , first , that France was unlikely to be able to secure an alliance with Britain ( because of the two countries ' disagreement about the Near East in 1840 ) ; second , that Britain might support Russia in the event of a Russian attack on the Ottoman Empire ( because of the Anglo-Russian discussions which had taken place in London in 1844 ) ; and third , that in any event he could count on the support of Austria ( because of the assistance he had rendered Vienna in putting down the Hungarians in 1849 ) .
11 Vincent , eager to consult Mauve , was hungry for any advice he could get , willing to kneel at the man 's feet if necessary .
12 In the event , Ramsay himself made the most useful contributions to the debate , with the young Steward and Moray backing him , the Regent out of his depth and almost pathetically grateful for any guidance he could get .
13 Corbett stayed in the castle the rest of the day , wandering about , looking for any place he could sit and quietly meditate on all he knew .
14 At any rate he could not move ; whichever way he went , the brute would get him .
15 At any moment he could let me fall , and we were at least three hundred metres above the ground .
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