Example sentences of "[prep] these [noun pl] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is now their individual responsibility to decide the constitutional powers of these assemblies and to see how democratic parliaments may be established in the presidential systems they have adopted .
2 I feel certain you will be interested in come of these reports and to aid distribution , and to prevent our troubling you with unwanted copies , I would be grateful if you could arrange for the enclosed card to be completed and returned to us .
3 However , we acknowledge that being part of the struggle continually throws up contradictions , and that there can be no monolithic viewpoint ; differences should be aired with the aim of understanding the basis of these differences and attempting to resolve these in an honest and principled way .
4 Although ostensibly criticizing the traditions of liberalism , the fascist writer , nevertheless , employs the discourse of these traditions when discussing ‘ prejudice ’ .
5 These conflicting reports may be the results of inherent differences in lipid metabolism between the various populations studied or may be explained by a tendency to report solely on the occurrence of colorectal cancer , rather than the particular degree of differentiation and progression of these tumours when detected .
6 Rabbit oesophagus is devoid of these glands and does not secrete significant quantities of alkali , which suggests the importance of these glands for oesophageal bicarbonate secretion .
7 A Validation Panel considers the acceptability of a proposed Course or Unit from both of these viewpoints and makes its recommendations to SCOTVEC .
8 The fabliaux as a whole clearly imply a system of values that in many respects is quite conventional , and it is one of these values that directs that the lecherous priest should be the type that suffers most from the poetic justice of these texts .
9 Today , one hundred women discuss some of these decisions and try to identify who 's body and who 's baby we 're talking about in different situations .
10 There are numerous hypotheses concerning the aetiology of this disease ( from ionizing radiation to viral transmission ) and Cross 's approach is to collect digital data designed to test some of these hypotheses and to use ARC/INFO to display and analyse results .
11 The Countryside Commission 's Digest of Countryside Recreation Statistics charts many of these changes and offers a glimpse of the increasing demands being made on the countryside .
12 How far can one measure the chronology of these changes or plot rises and falls within it ?
13 See if you can get a good view of these birds and count the number of toes .
14 Right well let's find one or two of these schemes that appear to have lapsed , send some letters to the names in the file , if we do n't get any positive response within a couple of months , let's go and take the signs down er and then wait for the squeals
15 The fact sheet sets out the characteristics of these schemes and concentrates on investment bond schemes which caused particular problems for some investors either through bad advice or not being adequately informed of the risks .
16 Eva helped Shadwell out by designing one of these productions and making the costumes .
17 There was a butcher here in Bungay , his name was Rodwell ; he got — he was killing one of these cattle and got some of the blood in his finger or something .
18 If anything it is the managers in family health services authorities and the NHS who have failed to anticipate and plan for the first three of these contingencies that has caused the current workload crisis .
19 Oates ( 1979b ) considers the relative size of these elasticities as indicated by empirical work ( see Bergstrom and Goodman 1973 ) .
20 Mahmoud came to one of these alleyways and hesitated .
21 Hit , if you can , on some explanation of one of these mysteries that has not been put forward before , and go ahead .
22 Certainly they conceded that these activities were popular in the sense that millions of people availed themselves of them but their argument had been that only in a very limited way can we talk of these activities as belonging to the masses : rather they represented the expropriation and packaging of what had previously been popular forms by middle-class organizations and in most cases by businessmen and entrepreneurs .
23 All the later ones we can but I 've got a couple more of these ones that work this one coming anyway so
24 As you know I should very much like to return to work in some secretarial capacity at Yorhaul Limited after my baby 's birth and naturally wish to claim maternity pay , so please take this letter as formal notice of these matters as required under the Employment Protection ( Consolidation ) Act 1978 .
25 Dr Schussler , who had a particular interest in physiology , considered that a number of diseases were due to a deficiency of one or more of these salts and thought that if a patient exhibited the symptoms of a remedy — for instance Natrum muriaticum — there was a deficiency of this salt in the patient 's body .
26 ‘ Perhaps you could give me one of these coins and send me away with a beating ?
27 Various computer assisted scanning devices have improved the results , and the European Community Haemangioma Working Party has stated that an argon laser should not be used without one of these devices or to treat children .
28 The fictional technique , by inverting Lok 's experience as his reasoning ability develops , clarifies the nature of these devices and suggests the power of simile and metaphor as intellectual tools .
29 Let us face up to the reality of these fears and face them in the power of the cross .
30 Someone adopts two of these creatures and urges that they too be named .
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