Example sentences of "[prep] only [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He showed severe left neglect on the conventional measures of line bisection and line cancellation , and in a new measure ; when asked to detect the presence or absence of a small crack on either side of two-dimensional block shapes , he detected the crack for 37/40 shapes with a crack on the right , but for only 5/40 shapes with a crack on the left .
2 and I 'll say to him , right , okay , we 'll give you the five per cent r reduction for only eight months of the year .
3 After allowing between 45 and 90 minutes for incorporation of labelled amino acid into protein , anaesthesia was induced and biopsies of rectal mucosa or tumour were taken immediately , through a sigmoidoscope ( therefore the patient was anesthetised for only five minutes of the 45–90 minute period available for incorporation of isotope ) .
4 An event that has been occurring for only five years before the enactment of the 1986 Act is of a more dubious standing .
5 Hence it is clear that N-gram models are computationally practical for only small values of N. ( Jelinek 's system used a vocabulary of 1000 words and i=3 . )
6 Crossed aphasia in dextrals , that is aphasia resulting from a right sided lesion , is extremely rare ( Brown and Hécaen , 1976 ) with confirmation at autopsy of a strictly unilateral lesion reported for only four cases at the time of writing ( Brust , Plank , Burke , Guobadia and Healton , 1982 ) .
7 You can share these benefits by making an initial commitment for only four books from the list of over 140 titles that will come to you with your free volume of the CHAMBERS BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY .
8 John Clinch ( 83 ) and Paul Harris ( 82 ) put on 170 for the first wicket against Stowmarket , who were skittled out for only 85 thanks to a burst of 4–1–7–5 by Richard Pybus .
9 This suggests that the likes of Playboy , Mayfair and so on are not considered indecent by the law ( or , at least , their covers are not , for only that part of the material which is ‘ exposed to view ’ is covered by this particular law ) .
10 These workshops were responsible for only that part of the production process or those components of the final product most sensitive to labour cost differentials , and have been located principally in South-East Asia and parts of Latin America ( Grunwald and Flamm , 1985 ) .
11 It resumed on Aug. 15 for only two hours before being postponed again , amid continuing disputes and a second boycott of the conference by opposition parties because of the presence of more delegates than had been authorized ( 4,288 as opposed to 2,850 ) .
12 Resale price maintenance now exists for only two commodities in the UK : over-the-counter medicines — and books .
13 After their first year of service they were normally on active duty for only two months in each year .
14 He operates on site for only two days per week .
15 A white cow used to provide milk for everyone in the locality , but it was customary for only one pailful to he taken .
16 It seems likely that , as in other early medieval kingdoms , there was room for only one queen at Charles 's court .
17 I understand that the electronic intarsia carriage selects the needles for only one colour at a time to the intarsia position , making it easy for you to lay in the appropriate colour .
18 The Social Democrat party , banned by the Nazis in 1933 , returned to life for only one year after the war in what was then the Soviet-occupied zone of Germany .
19 Contrary to the usual practice elsewhere , ‘ less than £1 ’ means a few shillings leavened by a sporadic nil assessment , rather than the opposite , for only one man in nine was actually given as nil , the majority ranging from 3s. 4d. to 18s .
20 There is a tedious pounding at the heart of this music , a sincerity that allows for only one angle of delivery , a passion that has created a pop atmosphere in which it 's impossible to be clever , cool or cynical , a soul whose impulse is NOT to embrace the avant-garde , like Faustus , and be cut into a thousand pieces by a sampling machine .
21 The road was wide enough for only one vehicle at a time , and she hoped she would n't meet another car .
22 Home-school links , the promotion of which was originally considered important enough to make it one of the four original aims of PNP , accounted for only one teacher-day in every hundred devoted to primary INSET .
23 This , however , caters for only one layer of the multilayered process of meaning construction , and , if a fuller account of such meaning is to be obtained , then some discussion of textual " coherence " is required .
24 CHRIS EUBANK is at his most infuriating when he puts his natural aggression on hold and appears to fight for only one minute in every three .
25 Yet such interference was possible for only one ruler of Imperial Russia : Peter the Great .
26 One who inherits a title whilst a Member of the House of Commons or a candidate for a seat in it can remain or become a Member for only one month before disclaiming .
27 Owing to his illness he was able to study for only one term in the next three years , although he did put his convalescence to good use , adding fluency in French , German and Italian to his other accomplishments , and attending lectures of the French physicist Dominique Arago at the Sorbonne .
28 Political coverage on television necessarily promotes leaders because it usually has time for only one item per party .
29 I knew that the Vadinamian Intelloid who was the entry controller would guide Posi to orbital position where we would wait for our turn to land — for only one ship at a time can make the approach to Vadinimia 's unusual port .
30 If retailers are spread around the country , in some places it will transpire that there is room for only one seller of both manufacturer M 1 ‘ s and manufacturer M 2 ‘ s product .
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