Example sentences of "[prep] an [noun sg] that has " in BNC.

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1 The problem is , of course , that child abuse work is all too often conducted under enormous time and resource pressures , and may at times have to be done under the glare of unwelcome publicity or in the aftermath of an incident that has aroused public concern .
2 Silk Slippers enabled Sangster — slowly-sinking in the super league of owners — to regain a foothold by wearing down the red-hot favourite , Moon Cactus , owned ironically by Sheikh Mohammed , in the dying strides of an event that has become a fertile proving ground for Classic fillies .
3 This was an offshoot of an idea that has still to surface .
4 The articles amount to premature judgment of an issue that has yet to be subjected to valid peer review .
5 Lord Coke lays it down broadly that the staying of an action that has been unjustly brought is no consideration for a promise to pay money .
6 The small North Wales town of Wrexham is one example of an authority that has taken a particularly active role in industrial promotion , and figure 3.4 shows one of their many eye-catching advertisements placed in the national press .
7 Behind this lies the problem of an economy that has been largely stagnant since the mid-1970s .
8 In addition to the customary dry analysis , this year 's edition will put Japan 's side of an argument that has , until now , been dominated by American and European critiques .
9 St Helena , in the South Atlantic Ocean , is another example of an island that has been transformed by human activity .
10 But the Court has no power to impose penalties unless the agreement is a renewing of an agreement that has previously been judged illegal .
11 Another factor which makes the extract easier to process if ( 2c ) is selected is that sentences ( 2c ) and ( 3 ) both start with an element that has already been established before presenting new information .
12 There is a preference in written English for sentences within one paragraph to begin with an idea that has already been mentioned .
13 Entering such a store is to enter an intriguing musty lair containing rows of cheap clothes in either blue or olive green , and where you will be greeted by a stab in the eye with an ice-axe that has hung behind the door since the 60s .
14 If property is fixed , then , as people move into an area that has a superior set of public services , they will drive up property prices in that area .
15 It was Esquire 's dubious achievement to be born into an economy that has been unkind to all , but one in which the advertising business has been particularly hard-pressed .
16 Ginger 's greatest single claim to fame is that he set up a record for an inside-forward that has never been beaten at our club , when he scored five goals in the game against Southend at The Palace on 25 September 1909 .
17 One of the first things you 'll realise is that you work for an organisation that has to react and respond rapidly to changing circumstances .
18 As he values the entire UK direct sales market at about £1,000m , this means his association already represents 20% of the total — ‘ not bad ’ , he reckons , ‘ for an association that has just been launched ’ .
19 ‘ What can a piece of mine do for an audience that has really come to enjoy one of the great operatic masterpieces of all time ? ’ asks Jonathan Dove .
20 One must take account of the inefficiencies such as the fact that many muons fail to initiate fusions at all , they are produced in an accelerator that has to be kept running and only a fraction of the power input ends up in beams of muons and energy is expended in the motion of the neutrons and alpha particles produced in the fusion reactions .
21 This development is significant for two reasons : it increases considerably the national provision of courses for further education teachers leading to a professional qualification ; and it gives the polytechnics and colleges of higher education a large and growing stake in an enterprise that has hitherto been very largely confined to the colleges of education ( technical ) .
22 This quality is reflected in an accent that has a blunt and acerbic ring to it , especially in east Berlin , which was always more plebeian than most western districts .
23 It all left yesterday 's would-be refugees furious at the latest delay in an evacuation that has taken two months to negotiate .
24 Here , suddenly , was a car to lust after , but also a car to strike fear into the hearts of rival companies in an industry that has struggled more than most in 1992 .
25 We must redouble our efforts to help the Russian people as they struggle in an effort that has no historical precedent , ’ he said .
26 If you live in an area that has a lot of old buildings , the council may run out of grant money very quickly and you will have to wait until next year .
27 A nesting box must be positioned in an area that has no existing barn owl settlement , after checking that there are enough small mammals to feed an expanding population .
28 With the latest ‘ S ’ series , and other new models either recently introduced or about to be , Mercedes aims to head off the challenge posed by a stream of new models from an arch-rival that has stuck to its last , BMW , and the looming threat posed by a fleet of new Japanese luxury models .
29 From clogged skies to choked motorways , from Clapham Junction to the Marchioness , Mr Prescott has been Labour 's voice of protest on an issue that has moved to the heart of the ‘ quality of life ’ agenda increasingly dominating the political agenda .
30 Liliane Landor reports on an issue that has shaken the foundations of French politics and put the question of immigration firmly back on the agenda A country divided .
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