Example sentences of "[prep] an [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 The 25-year-old all-rounder missed most of the 1989 season with a badly bruised thumb but has recovered after an operation in the summer .
2 In 1968 the then Labour MP Woodrow Wyatt had an interest in a Middlesbrough printing firm that produced Oz , the contract ceased after an expose in the News of the World .
3 But after an advertisement in the Financial Times asking for offers Touche Ross have been kept busy sorting the inquiries .
4 The majority of complaints came after an article in the Mail on Sunday slated the ad for ‘ presenting women as aesthetically acceptable victims ’ and called on those who felt offended to complain .
5 THREE of today 's four meetings are set to go ahead after an improvement in the weather .
6 All five had gone to the barn after an evening in the pub .
7 Even on the slave trade a comparison of the places petitioning in 1792 with those of 1814 , despite an increase in the total number , indicates quite sizeable geographical discontinuities in support .
8 1 to give practice in preserving a stress pattern despite an increase in the number of syllables in the rhythmic group : Teacher Poll 's doll was sick , sick , sick .
9 Beta blockers , introduced in the 1960s , were still the most common form of high blood pressure treatment in Britain , despite an increase in the amount of drug-induced impotence .
10 This will undoubtedly stretch existing laboratory resources , despite an expansion in the largest of the biology teaching laboratories due for completion before the beginning of session 1992–93 .
11 The funding will contribute towards an increase in the sample fraction from its usual 10% to 50% giving a total ( target ) sample of about 35,000 .
12 Research into colour has led Marthe Wery towards an interest in the effects of light and the role of architecture in an exhibition space .
13 Whitely has in his book The Theology of the New Testament a powerful image of an officer in the war who had to lead his troops across a dangerous minefield .
14 She is the daughter of an officer in the army , but I think now alone in the world and with little money .
15 Finally the storm and controversy raised by the Cubists reached its climax on 3 December 1912 when they became the subject of an interpellation in the Chambre des Députés .
16 that of an instruction in the martial arts compatible with the maintenance of a prince 's peace ; that of an outlet for competitive instincts within the claustrophobic confines of a court ; and that of display to maintain princely social status .
17 From over George 's shoulder stared the portrait of a general whose handling of an attack in the South African war had caused so many casualties to his own brigade that he had immediately been promoted away to see if he could do the same thing with divisions and corps .
18 She died suddenly in London , after a haemorrhage of an artery in the thigh , 29 June 1921 .
19 Its proposed creation is another indication of an attitude in the Community of seeking integration for its own sake .
20 A quarter of an inch in the waist here and a few millimetres on a horn there is often the extent of it .
21 About ⅛″ is a suitable size for a close-mesh net , not larger than a quarter of an inch in the case of a home-made , drilled plate where the holes can be spaced more widely apart .
22 For an instant our present , across the ruins of several decades , has rejoined that of an afternoon in the 1910s .
23 Yeah , there 's no record of an insurance in the , the file .
24 With the Ellis family finances being in a perpetual state of crisis , I 'm something of an expert in the subject of raising an overdraft . ’
25 I had become something of an expert in the leisure market , and to many of the institutional buyers had some spurious extra authority simply because I could hit a golf ball further and straighter than they could .
26 He was seen by members of the panel ( and by some members of the Project Coordinating Team ) as something of an expert in the area of study skills .
27 New figures yesterday showed the first signs of an upturn in the economy .
28 He says that second-half profits will be ‘ broadly similar ’ to the first half , even though there were no real signs of an upturn in the property market .
29 The projected surplus of AD13,500 million was seen as evidence of an upturn in the economy .
30 MORE evidence of an upturn in the housing market came yesterday with home builders reporting more than 16,400 new starts in April up 17pc on the same month last year .
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