Example sentences of "[prep] which be [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 Lascaux Aquacryl uses only finely dispersed , transparent and very lightfast pigments , the numbers for which are published on the colour chart .
2 Much of the information being used to calculate Council Tax house values is based on the old rateable values some of which are based on out of date information .
3 You will have FREE entry to any of the 115 RSPB reserves , some of which are listed on page 12 .
4 Experts believe that the discharge limits for these substances — many of which are included on the EEC 's ‘ black list ’ due to their toxicity , persistence and tendency to accumulate in organisms — should always be based on the best available control technology .
5 The lunar maria , nearly all of which are located on the near side , also seem to be of impact origin , with subsequent infill by rather dark material .
6 The lengths of the outings varies from a gentle stroll to long mountain days , details of which are shown on maps in the now familiar pen and ink style of Mark Richards .
7 DataEase comes in three versions — all of which are supplied on the disks — and you 'll need less than 4Mb of hard disk space to run it .
8 The parade consists of a procession of floats [ many of which are transported on Wood Group Offshore lorries ] , bands and entertainers which proceeds down Union Street to the Beach Boulevard .
9 By 1988 , similar statutes , generally termed ‘ anti-profit ’ or ‘ literary profits laws ’ , were enacted in 34 of the United States , most of which are modelled on the New York legislation .
10 I counted my basic fluids before I wrote this letter , I had 10 , all of which are used on a regular basis and about another 4 special fluids .
11 The argument about the relation of the different kinds of reason to each other will doubtless ( and necessarily ) continue without resolution ; what is important in the present context is that , in rearticulating the possibility that there is no absolute difference between the two , Lévi-Strauss puts into question Sartre 's definitions of man , human history , and finally his concept of history in toto — all of which are predicated on the dialectic .
12 These are tensioned in the ‘ down ’ position by an elastic or bungee , one end of which is hooked on the bowsprit , and the other linked to a trip line which runs through the two sails to the slotted tube at the rear , where it is retained by the release pin .
13 Awards are made in the form of grants , the level of which is based on financial need , and all matriculated students are eligible for application .
14 Most visitors ask about the history of the garden , part of which is built on the site of a nunnery attached to the church next door .
15 There is a family ‘ life cycle ’ , only part of which is represented on the back of cereal packets , which is illustrated in figure 6.3 .
16 No one considering the outcome could continue under the illusion that the co-operative form of organisation , as it is recognised in the west , can exist in any country the political constitution of which is modelled on the Soviet Russian derivative from Marxism .
17 But in the case of in-house benefits there is an obvious problem , since the employer is , for the purpose of selling the facility to the public , incurring the cost of running the train , airline or school the use of which is provided on a concessionary basis to the employee .
18 The hushed court had earlier listened to a dramatic seven-minute recording of Daniel 's 999 call , part of which is shown on the left .
19 With regard to traditional conflicts of interest , which are also liable to be efficiency-reducing , there is little reason to think that the separation of ownership and control has contributed significantly to the scope for management self-dealing , but it does pose problems for the effectiveness of the mechanisms that regulate it , the design of which is premised on shareholder involvement .
20 This practice was officially discouraged in 1927 , but not before thousands of pictures had been taken , one of which is reproduced on this page .
21 The following features of a statutory redundancy payment emerged : ( 1 ) The obligation was imposed on the employer ; ( 2 ) It only arose on dismissal and might never arise if an employee worked until retirement , whether voluntary — early retirement — or at an agreed date , each of which was based on contract ; ( 3 ) It only arose if certain preconditions were proved ; ( 4 ) It applied to all employees who had worked for at least two years with an employer ; ( 5 ) Certain classes of employee were excluded , eg redundant employees refusing suitable alternative employment ; employees under a fixed-term contract of two years or more , who had renounced their redundancy rights in writing ; ( 6 ) A voluntary redundancy could be under a contractual statutory scheme , and under such a contractual scheme it was often the equivalent of early retirement by agreement ; ( 7 ) In no way could a redundancy payment be described as a deferred emolument or pay ; it was a monetary compensation for the disappearance of a job .
22 Much primary research into the cost of embalming of the nobility and landed gentry of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England was published in 1984 by Clare Gittings , the majority of which was based on family documents of Kentish and East Anglian families .
23 It was a form of devotion found not only among the learned but in prayers designed for the laity , as for instance , in another prayer recommended for lay folk at the elevation of the Host : or in the prayer , a fragment of which was carved on a church bench in Oxfordshire : Jesu for thy holy name And for thy bitter passion , Save us fro synne and shame And endles dampnacion .
24 The object of the teams was to co-ordinate the regional activities of the Manpower Services Commission ( now the Training Agency ) , the Department of Employment , the Department of the Environment and the Department of Trade and Industry , each of which was represented on the teams .
25 The first unit to be completed was the 4.5in shell , the first of which was forged on Saturday 11 October 1941 , and with this unit in working order , effort was concentrated on the erection of the second unit , but on 24 January 1942 , owing to a change in policy , the manufacture of the 25-pdr shell was taken over by the States , and the second and third units were dismantled and prepared for despatch to America .
26 Much of Britain 's current economic mess is due to the surge in home borrowing in the late 1980s , much of which was spent on things other than houses .
27 The United Kingdom tourist industry was worth £11 billion in 1986 , half of which was spent on the 10.5 million overseas inclusive tour holidays taken and 7 million independently organized overseas visits .
28 The famous building , chosen from several other noteworthy contenders on the Glasgow Green , was erected in 1892 — the architecture of which was modelled on the Doge 's Palace in Venice .
29 We might therefore expect a commemorative poem in his honour to contain melancholy , death , and a churchyard , but the whole mood of Wordsworth 's poem is different from , say , Gray 's Elegy , a stanza of which was inscribed on Taylor 's tomb .
30 Jarvis crossed the vestibule , a large high-ceilinged chamber with mock-medieval hammer beams , on the walls of which were incised on yellow pine panels the names of pupils who had in some small way distinguished themselves .
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