Example sentences of "[prep] which the [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Hatching of eggs and development to L3 is complete within two weeks during the summer in temperate areas , after which the larvae migrate from the faeces on to the surrounding herbage .
2 There was steady light drizzle and virtually no wind but the ebb carried them comfortably down the channel to the first turn in front of the clubhouse , after which the doldrums set in .
3 ‘ The body about which the planets rotate , ninety-three million miles from the earth and eight hundred and forty-four thousand miles in diameter , is bright today . ’
4 It does not feature in the textbooks on the subject ( apart from a sentence in one book about which the judges made an immense fuss ) .
5 He consulted a succession of popes on marriage law , on priestly mores , on ordinations , on liturgy , on whether nuns might wash each other 's feet , and on the eating of bacon fat , the last a subject about which the Fathers had remained curiously silent .
6 After intensive wrangling over terms and money , during which the adventurers declared that it was ‘ not fitt to depend upon Sir Cornelius Vermuyden any longer ’ , the latter was re-engaged in 1650 .
7 After a Bible reading , usually by the headmaster , Mr Herbert Dennis , mornings consisted of six lesson periods , interrupted by a break during which the students queued up for two half slices of bread known as ‘ geordie . ’
8 During which the authorities relax even the few laws and rules that normally exist .
9 His capture marked the culmination of a series of raids throughout Manila during which the authorities had seized 13 senior NPA figures since July 26 .
10 The move is the culmination of more than six months of peace talks with the government during which the Tigers declared an end to their 17-year guerrilla war .
11 This is the inevitable product of a period during which the adults have failed to instil in the children truly effective consciences , resulting in an increase in uncivilised behaviour in all its endlessly varied forms , from the unfair ‘ jumping ’ of otherwise orderly queues waiting for goods or services , to acts of great cruelty and violence .
12 Act One opens with three trios for the men , followed by a duet for the sisters , and goes on to include two quintets ( one of which is the heavenly ‘ Di scrivermi ogni giorno ’ , during which the lovers bid farewell while Don Alfonso comments cynically in the background , and the exquisitely beautiful trio for the two girls and Don Alfonso , ‘ Soave sia il vento ’ ( featured in the film Sunday , Bloody Sunday ) .
13 This takeaway sermonette is usually tucked away after the opening prayer and before the second hymn , during which the children leave church ( in the months when Sunday School is in session ) .
14 The Fellowship , organised by the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings ( SPAB ) , is a six-month training programme during which the craftsmen travel thousands of miles round the country together , studying traditional methods of repairing historic buildings .
15 Postoperative fasting lasted 24 hours during which the animals received two subcutaneous injections of 8 ml 0.9% saline .
16 A 34-YEAR-OLD man is expected to appear at Glasgow Sheriff Court today in connection with an incident in a house in Argyle Street , Glasgow , during which the police isolated the building for more than six hours .
17 In 1675 , however , he accompanied his cousin , Izaak Walton 's son , on a grand tour of Europe which included a visit to Rome in a Jubilee Year during which the pilgrims received indulgences in return for their offerings to the papal Treasury .
18 After lunch there was always an interval during which the men remained seated , perhaps leaning their heads on the table for a pisolino , a nap — exhausted after all the eating , drinking and argument .
19 Researchers have discovered that periods of dreaming during sleep are related to times of rapid-eye movement ( REM ) during which the eyes flick from side to side under the eyelids .
20 For some three days there was a virtual collapse of government , during which the rebels laid hands on and put to death the Chancellor , Archbishop Sudbury , and the Treasurer , Sir Robert Hales .
21 J. Milroy developed techniques for handling quantitatively data of this kind by assigning to each speaker a range score calculated simply by counting from left to right the number of columns through which the variants ranged , and subtracting 1 .
22 Apart from the South Wales Miners ' Federation , it had been almost the only major working class organization through which the Communists had consistently exercised influence .
23 This passage illustrates in a vivid way the fact that the arrangements the judges have made with the Inns are merely the machinery through which the judges perform what remains a judicial duty , and also how decisions on rights of audience are different from decisions on call to the Bar .
24 Instead , a particular style of dance is used through which the performers play strongly defined characters who express not only social status in a particular community but also moods , emotions and actions , which are alien to the calm spaciousness of classical dance .
25 Each nodule has an opening into the gut through which the eggs reach the lumen .
26 Canon Arbeau in his Orchésographie ( 1588 ) recommended the use of four positions from and through which the feet moved , the turn-out to show off the line of the leg and ports de bras to display one 's carriage and courteous behaviour .
27 This view puts the dynamic of police racism in the norms and values through which the police define their roles and legitimate their activities .
28 The system was being increasingly undermined , however , both by the growing numbers of those holding Matai titles and by a reduction in the traditional structures through which the chiefs had exercised authority .
29 The Commission has many of the characteristics of an international administrative authority and is the organ through which the governments act in all matters to do with the concession .
30 Elegiac recollections are buttressed by the Roberts lithographs , pictures which have become part of a deep and dreamlike sleep through which the Palestinians have passed since 1948 .
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