Example sentences of "[prep] which [adv] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 The past year has been , in the words of the Director 's Annual Report , ‘ twelve months of some anxiety and upheaval ’ during which both Council and staffhave made determined efforts to ‘ confront the problems calmly and constructively , and to find solutions that will secure the future of the Settlement ’ .
2 This represents the percentage time at background — that is , no food or acid reflux , the percentage of time with food reflux or acid reflux , and the percentage for which both food and acid were refluxed .
3 Now if the beautiful things are beautiful , and if beauty itself is beautiful , what of the beauty in respect of which both beauty and the beautiful things are beautiful ?
4 Now if the beautiful things are beautiful , and if beauty itself is beautiful , what of the beauty in respect of which both beauty and the beautiful things are beautiful ?
5 Jim Wallace has also been active in trying to put together a political format with which both Labour and the Scottish Nationalist leaders can live .
6 The latter form of mortgage is still possible ; but , instead of the former , a form of mortgage has been invented under which both mortgagor and mortgagee take legal estates ( see pp. 96–9 ) .
7 The clearest way forward is to break out of the restrictive conceptual framework within which both Hall and Jessop et al.
8 The landlower puts in the land , the tenant puts in the construction costs and his development skills , and the result is an investment in which both landlord and tenant participate .
9 There is some evidence from studies of families in which both wife and husband have careers that even in these situations the husband dominates decision-making , partly because his job comes to be seen as more important .
10 Although there is perhaps a sense in which both taxonomy and description are related to explanatory purposes , this is not in any straightforward or enlightening fashion .
11 Speaking in Vilnius in August 1988 , for instance , he devoted particular attention to ‘ common human interests ’ , such as the conservation of global resources , in which both East and West could cooperate .
12 This was demonstrated by an experiment reported in Harris ( 1977 ) in which both animacy and discourse theme were manipulated .
13 Then this mood would lift , and she could write appreciatively again : ‘ We get snatches of divine loneliness here … why not stay here for ever and ever , enjoying this immortal rhythm in which both soul and eye are at rest ?
14 The result , the creation of an atmosphere in which both client and caterer can gain — our aim was , and still is , to create a highly personal business partnership between the client and ourselves . ’
15 Brunnson therefore does an excellent job of distinguishing between the formulation and implementation of ideologies , helping us to begin to see how corporate rational analysis and the organizational perspectives may fit together , but his thesis does not sufficiently recognize the degree to which both rationality and negotiation may still underlie the establishment of his ideologies .
16 This basically is how oracy grows : it is to be taught by the creation of many and varied circumstances to which both speech and listening are the natural responses . ’
17 ‘ Part of the framework on which both Government and Opposition base their economic and European policies was swept away .
18 ( a ) Middle East Economic Survey ( MEES ) , indicating the terms on which both freight and insurance were being negotiated at a particular stage of the war , described the freight element as follows : ‘ Kharg to Europe : W70-80 .
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