Example sentences of "[prep] which [verb] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But first , for me everything was interrupted by six years of army service after which like so many others I had to start again .
2 Of course , there are matters we can get angry about which seem far closer to God 's concerns than others .
3 In the absence of the proverbial golf course , the lack of networks through which to find suitably experienced women for senior board appointments could be construed as the final obstacle — were it not , it was pointed out , for the rapid proliferation of alternatives in the form of Network , set up all of 12 years ago as a meeting point for women managers , the Scottish Women 's Enterprise Group and Businesswomen 's Clubs .
4 The date will be the first time the group 's new seven-track CD recording for which finished earlier this week will be on sale .
5 But outside the main entrance stands a tall flagpole , at the top of which flies as large a sample of the Stars and Stripes as any patriot could hope for .
6 It had its own liturgy and Mass , both of which incorporated distinctly Eastern , non-Roman elements .
7 of the staff are unqualified , and private sector residential homes , which are run as businesses and which charge local authorities as much as £1,000 a week and the directors of which draw as much as £750,000 per annum ?
8 The layout is very similar to that of Gournia , with narrow cobbled alleys weaving irregularly among blocks of houses , many of which had rather small chambers , cellars perhaps , on the ground floor .
9 Perhaps the best examples of this mistake were the British National Coal Board , British Steel Corporation and British Leyland , all of which had strikingly similar histories : see Higgins and Clegg , 1988 . )
10 Opaque polyhedrons split as he peered at them , revealing tiny mazes , each of which looked as complex as the larger network that filled the chamber .
11 This success lies behind his translation to Canterbury in the following year ; thereafter , until his death in 1381 , he presided over a period of taxation the scale of which exceeded even that of the early years of the reign .
12 The Congolese rainforest forms part of a swathe of jungle in West Africa , much of which remains relatively untouched , although under increasing pressure from logging , settlement and mineral exploitation .
13 Pamela had found out about two local youth clubs , one of which seemed particularly suitable for her .
14 The School Curriculum was distributed to every school in England and Wales , and perhaps for this reason there was a wider span of reactions , some of which seemed more positive .
15 The authors argue that ‘ attempts to evaluate effectiveness have shown little or no benefit , ’ although among the references they quote are three studies that did not entail counselling in the accepted sense of the term at all , two of which produced distinctly positive results .
16 Diem proved a harsh dictator , using American aid to remove opposition , all of which depicted as Communist , and in 1956 he refused to hold the elections stipulated at Geneva .
17 Our adaptation of Pamela is the latest in a long , international line of stage versions , most of which took even greater liberties with the original than we did .
18 When he went to Waitrose to buy the food for their contribution to what everyone in the street was calling ‘ Donald 's funeral breakfast ’ Henry spent hours browsing through the domestic cleaners , all of which sounded pretty lethal .
19 Fakrid 's mouth clamped shut with a snap and he was reduced to making mumbled threats , none of which sounded very pleasant for the Doctor .
20 To complete the game you need to photograph all 16 inventions , each of which takes over 20 shots !
21 Finally in this group of cases , I was referred to the decision of Hutchison J. in Selous Street Properties Ltd. v. Oronel Fabrics Ltd. ( 1984 ) 270 E.G. 643 , described in the headnote , justifiably , as ‘ an important and wide-ranging decision , ’ the report of which extended over two issues of the Estates Gazette .
22 This shift in the meaning of marriage was accompanied by changes in married women 's property rights and in the grounds women could use to sue for divorce , both of which benefited primarily middle class women .
23 Environmentalists criticized what they claim are insufficient fines levied on polluters , most of which fell far short of the maximum permitted £20,000 .
24 The site at Jelling now consists of two turf mounds , and between them stand a stone church and the rune stones , the larger of which weighs nearly ten tons .
25 Formations of the more modern kinds may be seen to occur , typically , at points of transition and intersection within a complex social history , but the individuals who at once compose the formations and are composed by them have a further complex range of diverse positions , interests and influences , some of which are resolved ( if at times only temporarily ) by the formations , others of which remain as internal differences , as tensions , and often as the grounds for subsequent divergences , breakaways , breakups and further attempted formations .
26 In addition , following the Cassels Report ( 1983 ) a Personnel Work Action Programme was launched , key elements of which included more effective staff appraisal and incentives such as merit pay ( see Progress in Financial Management in Government Departments , 1984 , p. 7 ; The Times , 26 November 1986 , and Fry , 1988a , pp. 13–14 ) .
27 Indeed , it would be hard to forge such an agreement given the tricky detail that Jones had already submitted an abstract of his talk to the APS , the wording of which appeared rather explicit to knowing eyes .
28 As to the liquor , it filled about half the coffin and in it ‘ feathers , flowers , and herbs in abundance were floating , the leaves and stalks of which appeared quite perfect , but totally discoloured ’ .
29 On the evening of 1st , 2nd and 3rd April 1993 the ‘ Churches together in Redcar ’ group , members of which include most Christian denominations , will be producing their own version of this play , with added extras , in the Main Hall of West Redcar school , in Redcar , Cleveland .
30 Produce well-structured pieces of writing , some of which handle more demanding subject matter , eg going beyond their own firsthand experience .
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